Netflix Roulette
Trouble choosing what to watch? Let Netflix Roulette decide
Ryan Hoover
Netflix Roulette — Trouble choosing what to watch? Let Netflix Roulette decide
Ryan Hoover
I especially like that you can filter by genre, actor, director, rating, and type (movie or TV show). E.g. next time you're in the mood for Will Ferrell, spin the Netflix Roulette.
Ryan Hoover
IMHO, too many product builders fall into the trap of building personalization through fancy algorithms when often it's the framing and context around the content that matters more to most consumers. That's where so many app or product discovery sites fail. This is all to say Netflix's recommendations are bad and for some products/consumers, data-driven/personalized recommendations are very effective. /endrant
Derek Shanahan
Recommend as another tool for slicing and dicing Netflix to get great finds.
Alex Baldwin
Freaking great concept!
Kam Bain ✍
@davemorin Seriously... Netflix apparently spends crazy amounts of resources on discovery/recommendation and they all suck.
Kam Bain ✍
Epic! I can never decide. That's awesome.
Andy Rosenberg
This is pretty great. Much better than Netflix's Max solution.
Paul Jarvis
This seems dangerous and addictive...
Joseph Kristoffer
Really like the concept. I think it's really more Netflix's fault than this product's, but the results I get don't really feel all that great. Gonna keep trying, though.