Joe Wagner

Nest Cam Outdoor - A weather proof outdoor security cam that records 24/7


Nest Cam Outdoor will be the good-looking security camera to put outside your house! It provides the same features as the Nest Cam Indoor - you can hear and speak through, get alerts on your phone and email, have 30 days backup on the cloud, but it has the bonus that it is water, shine, dust and wind proof. Smart, secure and simple!

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Zac Coffman-Magaha
Hey, Nest isn't dead yet!
@claudesutterlin @zaccoffman haha, came here to post the exact same thing...
Ben Tossell
Check out the video
Taylor Rossi
Nest can is like a trapped bird it nest but still can be eaten or stolen by a snake or person you get it or cut the wire ! So also overpriced! It needs to be wireless and rechargeable as then it could be solar powered! So it's easy for a smart person to find but most people braking in I'll just have them shot or attack by the doberman or German Shepard!
Taylor Rossi
@chhhris thanks a Yacht as these over priced made in China nest eggs cams suck of your in bad poor negiborhoods or in the hood I could so easy cover it cut the little wire and spray with hose so really nest needs to think outside nest eggs and not put all there eggs in one basket cause camera is for pretty nice neighborhood
Brian Lee
@yachtsofideas 1. Most camera setups will record the person who's going to cut wires i.e. houses with cameras tend to have multiple cameras, watching different angles, and not just one. Also most home robbers don't have the discipline or brains to plan this far. The robbers that do tend to focus on higher payout targets like casinos and mj dispensaries. 2. assuming that there's no power outlet outside, most of the wire will probably be drawn into the wall making it hard to reach 3. Also many cameras are installed in the upper portion of the house. You would need a ladder to mess with the camera or its wires. 4. If you want HD video and a camera that's on 24/7 a completely wireless camera working on solar isn't practical unless you have a fancy tesla battery setup which would still require some wires. 5. Even if you want to shoot someone, you're not going to be awake & alert 24/7 nor will you always be looking at what's going on outside your house, at every corner of your house. Boredom is actually a huge problem in the security and surveilance industry, which is why it helps to have computers watching and analyzing the image feeds. I used to work for the IP camera division ('enterprise' stuff - for places like prisons, hospitals, ...) of a large company as an engineer, which is why I've had the time to think about these things.
Taylor Rossi
@kay0stheory as it's easy to see easy to notice to cut wire as it's not very well hidden any true robber or even crazy ex boyfriend or husband would cut wire easy so you all need to rethink this camera and make better I'm sure it's made in China or Japan correct as I use to work for billionaires and on private yachts! You camera is for babies and kids not to protect homes in robbery
Taylor Rossi
@kay0stheory well OK my young friend I know safety security and what sells I'm into design manufacturing marketing as also I'm the mogul guru in contacts as also private investors! There is no fancy Tesla battery or solar you need I could so give you the better manufacturing as design help you with your Nest Camera ! I must say tell you love the Name Nest it's cool and have contacts with huge info commercial! So let me know when you wish like to go really protect homes condos even yachts as also the car market ! I could make camera alot better as rechargeable /*solar power trust me it can be done also use wires hidden stronger and waterproof shock resistant! Thanks a nest lot have a gr8 prosperous week
James Jordan
@yachtsofideas What app are you using to convert normal human communication into . . . whatever it is that you're posting here? If that app hasn't been featured on ProductHunt, it *definitely* should be, because it's pretty incredible!
Two Phu
"Nest Cam Outdoor is easy to install yourself." except they don't explain how exactly to install it. It's wired, and it's outdoor, so how are most people going to install it without drilling through a wall or door?
Brian Lee
@2phu Most houses built in the 1980s and later have outdoor sockets for stuff like weed wackers. So it would be a convenient install for some people. People with older homes will probably need someone handy enough to drill holes in walls for the wiring. People with larger homes and lots will probably need to get some wireless repeaters as well.
Dan Far
So.. the FAQ on their site says this is pretty much the same camera as the indoor camera... but with a weatherproof case... does anyone have specific specs? I have the NEST thermostat and I am happy with it, the only thing that makes me hold back on the camera, are the monthly plans which are paid per camera...
Claude Sutterlin
@tostartafire I really like my current nest cam. Yeah, the monthly plan is pretty annoying but it's really comforting to have. A couple days ago I left my garage door open so when I came home I just browsed through the 4-5 actions detected that day, and double checked no one came into the house etc. Took a couple minutes and gave me peace of mind.
Samir Doshi
nest be making some sexy products... that industrial design is on POINT
Nathan Rhodes
I've wanted this for a while. Would rather see what's happening around my home than what happening inside it.
Adedayo Charis
Being secure gis very important to me for my piece of mind. l love the fact that if weather proof. Does it rotate or move, or does it just maintain the same position?
Brad Mills
finally! Now I will buy Nest products.
Mat Silva
Those videos of nest cam in action as a security cam were fantastic.
Jeff Fate
Seems a lot like the Ring, but more creepy in my opinion
Two Phu
and pay a monthly subscription for Nest Aware? no thanks. Plenty of better products w/o monthly subscription available on Amazon at lower price too
Stan Massueras
The indoor cam is the best 99$ I ever spent. Great product!
No thanks. I have home owners insurance.
Ben Fox
Love the concept but w/o battery operation, it's easy to disable (just cut the wire) and installing it still requires a hole in my house. Not sure if this is worth it.
Daniel Neetzel
Hey Guys, for all people scared of a dropping Nest cam or thief-risk, there is still the opportunitys of using Dropcases with the old Nest Cam / Dropcam. I guess the software update will also be available for the old camera versions, so we actually have a superior product (although it might does not look as slick). PS: I know this seems like advertisement, and honstely it is, we have to sell our inventory, Nest totally screwed us
Paweł Ludwiczak
It has operating temperature range from -4 to 104°F (-20 to 40°C) which seems to be not that much these days in many countries during the winter/summer.. :/
Very cool.
Alex Panagis
Our block area has been broken into many times. We're looking into options.
J Mueller
The power cord should be hidden so that someone can't just reach up and unplug the power with a quick pull of the exposed cord.