Steven Sinofsky

Neeva - Ad-free, private search

Created by ex-Google execs, Neeva is the world’s first 100% ad-free and private subscription-based search engine that puts the user first. Neeva never shares or sells user data with anyone and is committed to showing high-quality results for every search.

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Vivek Raghunathan
Hey there. This is Vivek. I co-founded Neeva with @sridhar_ramaswamy1, and am super excited to bring Neeva to Product Hunt. Search is one of the foundational inventions of our time. We use it every day to amplify our intelligence. Imagining a world without search is nearly impossible. And while search made remarkable historical strides in getting information to you, it has gotten increasingly away from its original mission. Traditional search engines work by monetizing you, the user. You are the product being sold, and not the customer. And that means, when search engines have to choose between showing you that perfect review for a Wi-Fi router, or showing you a bunch of ads from the biggest retailers, they choose the latter. Which sorta makes sense. They put their customer (the advertiser) first, not you. We founded Neeva to reimagine search for you, the end user. You are our only customer. We are in the business of building the world's best search experience for you. We only make money if you get enough value from Neeva to pay for it. Our incentives are perfectly aligned. We start with the basics. We show you no ads. We kill third party tracking. We don't sell your data. On every query, we focus on delivering the best result for you. And as a search engine built for you, we give you agency to make your search experience better. You control which news websites you trust and which new websites you don't. You can choose to connect Neeva to your SaaS services, whether it's email, calendar, cloud storage (and many more in the works). When you do that, you have one place to search across all your information. No more guessing for whether you should go to Stack Overflow or Slack for the solution to your problem. I am very excited to have all of you try Neeva. Building a search engine that reimagines search for you, the end user, is a high bar, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our product is still early, and feedback from all of you is critical to us getting better. Happy searching!
Jamie Cuffe
Congratulations @sridhar_ramaswamy1 @vivek_raghunathan1 and the Neeva team! Excited to see incentive aligned search become the new normal!
You are positioning yourselves as the anti-Google. However, aren't you the Google executives directly responsible for the excessive advertising and tracking on Google Search and YouTube? It seems to me that you are doing the same thing here that you did with YouTube, asking people to pay to get rid of the advertising that you ruined Google search with in the first place. Also, do you mine users' searches or store them in any way? Private has a very specific meaning. If something is private, only I have access to my information and it should not be used for any other purpose. If my searches are private, that means they should be private only to myself. I posted a comment below, and asked the same questions when you launched on Hacker News a few weeks ago (with no answer). However, I think it is worth asking directly. It seems to me you are mining way more data than Google ever has, and this product looks like a Google-lite where users are paying to have the ads removed.
Vivek Raghunathan
@dan_e_boy please see @sridhar_ramaswamy1's response to your other comment. It is also a fallacy that only products that know nothing about you can be private. Neeva uses your searches to provide useful features like future search suggestions. We do not ever share this information with anybody else. And you can turn this feature off completely with a flick of a button. We are private, but not anonymous: just like we expect a doctor’s visit to be private but not anonymous.
Deyson Ortiz
@sridhar_ramaswamy1 @vivek_raghunathan1 Hello. I am giving it a test. Is there a way to remove all the news completely? I want as little distraction as possible. Thank you and have an amazing day! 😊
Vivek Raghunathan
@deysonortiz Thanks for the feedback. Your feature request is incidentally one of our top user asks from the last few weeks, and we are in the process of building it. Please keep the feedback coming, either here or via the product. Excited at the chance to earn your loyalty.
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Thank you, @stevesi ! Hi, this is Sridhar and I am excited to introduce you to Neeva. The world’s first ad-free, private subscription search engine. I don’t have to remind you how far off course mainstream search has gone. Today, one can barely tell where the ads end and your search begins. What started as a well-intentioned way to organize the world’s information has turned into a business focusing most of its resources on monetizing clicks to support advertisers rather than focusing on you. We founded Neeva to change this by completely reimagining search. Search that is ads-free, private, and customizable. This all starts with flipping the traditional business model from an ads-based to a subscription-based service that is 100 percent focused on delivering the best search experience for you. That’s it. There are no ads and no advertisers. Moreover, Neeva personalizes search so you can make it your own. You can connect Neeva to your email accounts, your calendars, and your cloud storage platforms — allowing you to find what’s most important to you at the click of a button. (We are adding more app connectors all the time!) And just as it’s more personal it’s also more private. Your data is never tracked and never sold. We are thrilled to share Neeva with all of you and we promise to do everything we can to give you the best possible search experience.
Joseph Abraham
@stevesi @sridhar_ramaswamy1 @vivek_raghunathan1 : This is awesome Sridhar and Vivek. More power to the Internet community 🔥, yup ad-free has been the motto but now its a reality :) Congrats on the launch here!
Anyone taking on “the” search giant has my respect. Search has become overly monetized at the expense of UX and it’s only going to get worse w/current model, where advertisers are the customers. Current search is actually forcing brands to advertise. It’s ridiculous that a brand has to pay for an ad to secure a top spot in a SERP that their brand should organically hold that spot for. Should be a public outcry over the exploitation. Given your team’s background, I have faith that there’s a fighting chance that no ads, no third-party tracking et al will be the norm. Wishing Neeva and team much success!
Seth Li
Hey there! I've been working on building Neeva for the past 2+ years, and it's super exciting to finally share what we've been up to with the Product Hunt community. It's been incredibly rewarding to develop a service that delivers on the fundamental need of information, search, and discovery while putting a business model in place that allows us to prioritize user privacy and choice. Right now, we're focusing on improving our onboarding flows to make it even easier to learn about all of our unique features and benefits. Thanks for checking us out, and I look forward to your thoughts and feedback!
Avi Fein
Hi Hunters! I'm Avi and lead product at Neeva . I joined Neeva because I believe there is no one-size fits all solution to search. Neeva’s member-first focus frees us to reimagine the search experience and build towards a better, safer web. Together with our amazing team we strive for a powerful and delightful search experience for our members. For example, we want Neeva to be for you, which means having control of your results. You decide which websites you want to see more or less of in search. In addition, we want to remove friction, beyond no ads, when searching the web. Neeva’s preview panels help get you to an answer faster without opening ten tabs. We’re committed to sharing at least 20% of our revenue in partnership with content creators as we work together to reimagine this new world. @darinwf will also share more about how we can skip the search page altogether to get to answers even faster. I hope you try us and see the same potential I do for how a private, ad-free search engine focused on you can dramatically change your experience. Looking forward to hearing your feedback!
Schar Donald
@darinwf @ahvee I have been using it for almost a week now. I love that I can search and get top results for the website I was looking for instead of just a bunch of news sites. It is also fast.
Steven Sinofsky
I'm excited to share this hunt with everyone. My friend, @sridhar_ramaswamy1 and team have been hard at work building a new search experience. Not only is it a great search product, it’s private and ad-free. I've been using it as my default search engine for a while now and am finding more to like all the time. Changing search engines is a big deal for most, but I think it is well-worth the benefits to explore Neeva and give it serious consideration. I'm happy to share this personal find with the community.
Edmund Loo
Hey Hunters! 👋 I'm Edmund, an early engineer here at Neeva. I've been lurking Product Hunt for years, discovering great products, and absorbing a ton of valuable insight from the product-interested community. So it's quite an honor to finally have a chance to build something and present it here as a maker today. 🙌 With the launch of our ad-free search engine, we're signaling the beginning of our journey to change the way we interact with the internet. Up to this point, ads-driven businesses have dominated a lot of the web we use with fee-free services, but at the cost of our data, privacy, and anonymity. Launching a search engine that does much more to respect your privacy without sacrificing the convenience that personalization brings is our first small (but ambitious) step towards creating and influencing a more private and less exploitative internet. Even before joining Neeva, I've been interested in privacy-focused and user-centric products, and some of my favorite products today include 📝 Standard Notes , 💬 Signal , and 📧 ProtonMail . So, it's exciting that other like-minded individuals can begin to consider Neeva in their privacy stack alongside these other stand-out products. So take us for a spin, and please don't hesitate to let us know what you think in a comment here or as feedback through Neeva. We greatly appreciate the support! 🙏 — Edmund 🦜
Noah Lenz
I've been using Neeva as my default search engine for the past few months, and have been loving it. Search results are exceptional, and it's refreshing to get fewer corporate results. I love the privacy first approach along with the integration with Gmail & the news customization feature. Definitely a great tool and looking forward to seeing it evolve.
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Thank you, @noah_lenz ! We are just getting started creating a search experience that works for you! Lots more ability to customize and personalize coming soon!
Darin Fisher
Hi everyone! I’m Darin, and I joined Neeva earlier this year to help build our mobile app, the Neeva browser. Having worked on browsers for over 20 years, I haven’t felt like the browser is done yet. There’s more we can and should do to help users explore the web and stay organized as they are doing so. Neeva can help bring the web to users as they browse. Neeva can help users get back into the tasks they were doing without needing to search again. Neeva can help users get directly to the sites they are interested in without needing to first visit a search results page. For me, the opportunity with Neeva is clear and it leads directly into how the browser experience and the web can be so much better for users. I’m excited for everyone to have the chance to experience what we are building!
I know PH hunt is hardly the place for critical questions. However... they are calling themselves the anti-Google. Why is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room with these guys? Neeva was founded by Sridhar Ramaswamy (ex-SVP of Ads at Google) and Vivek Raghunathan (ex-VP of Monetization at YouTube). Ramaswamy oversaw all advertising at Google, was the exec responsible for increasing ads on search results (only 3% of the screen originally) to the current excessive level, and he knew doing this made search results and privacy worse for consumers. If Google search got broken then he did more than anyone to break it. Vivek Raghunathan put all the ads on YouTube. Those ads are so bad Google makes money from people paying to remove them. They left Google after a scandal with YouTube showing ads on videos that exploited young children and appealed to pedophiles. Now they're asking us to pay to get rid of ads from a worse version of Google. Are the architects of the problem the right people to trust for a solution? The born-again anti-advertising schtick just seems too clever by half. They are collecting more private personal data than Google ever did. I'd genuinely love to see someone answer this. Happy to post links for anyone interested in reading more. I haven't tried it yet. I tried signing up and they are not allowing international or Australian access. I asked a similar question when they launched on Hacker News and they didn't answer it or similar questions there. I hope they'll answer here.
Sridhar Ramaswamy
It’s true, I ran the search ads team for nearly 10 years and all of the ads teams at Google for five years. And yes, I made many of the decisions to increase ads load on search. I tried to do it thoughtfully given the constraints of the business that we operated in. It’s also a fact that since the very beginning when we announced Neeva, I have been transparent about my previous position. The truth is that Vivek, my co-founder, and I came to the conclusion that a purely ads supported search ecosystem dominated by one player wasn’t good for any of us. And we decided to do something concrete about it. It’s really that simple, with no ulterior motives. We realized that there was no limit to the ads load. That if you started with a particular economic model, you were going to keep ploughing along in that direction. This is where the founding principles of a company matter. You may not know this, but even the founders of Google wrote early on that an ads supported model was going to have trouble serving users. This is why Vivek and I set up Neeva differently. In everything from how we make money (subscriptions), to how much data we associated with a user account (90 day by default with easy controls to turn off completely), to not leaving the door open for ads (we will never have them nor will we have affiliate links), and to never selling or sharing personal data, we put users and privacy first. These are promises we make explicitly in our privacy policy. Founding principles matter, and ours are clear. We know that trust comes with time and actions, it’s something one must earn. We do so humbly everyday as we work to create the best search experience for the consumer, nothing less. We always welcome thoughtful criticism and feedback. Distortions of the truth don’t serve anyone though. We are proud that tens of thousands of Neeva users have placed their trust in us and we take this responsibility very seriously.
Michael Silber
This looks really great. ?makers how do you differentiate yourselves from DuckDuckGo and Brave?
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @product_at_producthunt / Michael! Duck is a free search engine that promises to remember nothing about you: we call that an anonymous search engine. Well, that means Duck doesn't get better for you as you keep using it. Duck still has ads and the instant you click on an ad, advertisers and the rest of the internet are tracking you even though Duck is not. On Neeva, there are no ads and therefore no search-enabled tracking. You go directly to the site you want. Ultimately, anonymous search engines force a bad choice: privacy or an unpersonalized search experience that does not get better. Neeva is personalized, private and ads free which we think is superior. Brave appears to have the same model in being ad supported. For the record, we love that search engines like Duck exist. They give us choice and prevent important functions like search from being the purview of one or two players. Our thesis is that a subscription search engine is set up for long term success because of the dedication we bring to the product getting better. That's our only job, we have no ads and advertisers to deal with.
Rachel Cheng
Hi everyone! I'm Rachel, a Product Designer here at Neeva. One of the main reasons why I joined Neeva is because of how incredibly personal and user-centric our mission is. Focusing on giving control back to our users has been exhilarating. From finding recipes for a family dinner to assembling data for a research report, the talented team here at Neeva is determined to give you the best possible friction-less search experience — whatever that search query may be. Give us a try and let us show you what an ad-free, private search engine could be like. And, definitely let us know what you think. We're all very excited to hear and learn from your feedback!
Ruben Wolff
Very nice and interesting product. How are the results of searches curated? And how does the search through personal accounts work? In any case, thank you for releasing something like this
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @rubenwolff ! We use a combination of static (domain/page level) and dynamic signals (what does this user like) to rank search results. Personal account search indexes your data (for your results *only*). At runtime, we blend the different corpuses together to produce a single result page.
Greg Garnhart
Hey Product Hunt! I've been beta testing Neeva since April. @sridhar_ramaswamy1 and the entire team have done a great job on a search engine that I imagine will only get better with time. That said, I switched back to using Google (with AdBlock) about a week ago. I got relevant results most of the time with Neeva, particularly in the areas of news and product searches. I had more trouble finding the correct answer to my software development questions. Unfortunately, Google's spillover became relevant when I started searching for local restaurant reviews as well. My preferred platform for finding good eats is Google Maps -- I'm a big contributor there! With Neeva (understandably) pushing Yelp over Google Maps, I found myself opening a new tab and entering a specific location in Maps to look at reviews. This is all to say that Neeva has done an incredible job for most cases, but wasn't enough to make me stick around. I'd encourage everyone to try Neeva out and decide for yourself what you prefer!
Avi Fein
Thanks for the feedback @ggarnhart ! Our team is hard at work making local & programming searches better. In addition, we try to make it easy to get to the same place on Google or Apple maps with direct links. Plus, you can always use our query shortcuts feature to append “!gmaps” and redirect your search to Google Maps. For example, “best restaurants near me !gmaps” will redirect you. If you have any other thoughts or feedback on local — it’s great you’re a Google Maps contributor! — please reach out to and we can help find a time for us to chat. Thanks again!
Miguel Iglesias
Interesting idea! Ultimately, you either pay for the product, or you are the product. Love the practicality of this business model. Two questions I'm very curious to hear your thoughts on; 1) will you be looking to integrate shopping into your platform (similar to Google Shopping etc)? If so, will there be any differentiating factor? 2) how can you guarantee the same, or better, quality of search/experience for users? Granted, there is a benefit to less/no tracking. However, could the argument be made that the increased privacy could also lead to less relevant results? Thanks and good luck!
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @miguel_iglesias ! We definitely want to integrate more product results. The *big* differentiator is going to be that we work for you. We get you the best, cheapest results. Not sponsored listings (which most of the search engine shopping tabs are), no affiliate links: just good products at the best price. And here is the dirty secret about the internet: personalization is typically used to serve you ads, not really create better search results. At Neeva, we are not anonymous: by default, we use things like your past searches to make your search experience better. You are always in charge: you can turn things like search history with a flip of a single button.
Andrey Klen
Instant download. Congrats on the public launch!
Anton Ross
Over time, the question of monetization will arise and advertising will appear in any case)
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @rosssaris ! We are clear that we monetize by selling low cost subscriptions. It is a core tenet of the company. At $4.95 / month, many, many people can afford the product and it guarantees that we will continue to just serve you.
Thank you for bringing this! How are you better than Google in terms of the search performance or the search algorithm? Could Neeva be as intuitive and smart as google search is?
Vivek Raghunathan
Thanks for your question, @krish7. In terms of the technology, we crawl and index the web in addition to any personal data users choose to connect with our service. Our ranking approach blends traditional information retrieval and language understanding techniques with more modern machine learning techniques. Where I think we really shine is in three areas: 1. We provide you control in explicitly telling us which sites you trust and which sites you don't. We do this for news and recipe sites today, and are quickly expanding to other verticals. 2. We provide you deeper faceted search experiences that let you choose between the nature of information you trust -- for example, for programmers, whether you want official docs or forums or code repositories. 3. Wherever we can, we extract rich previews of structured content from the result landing page and show it to you on the search results page as part of an interactive experience. We support hundreds of sites, including Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow and many others.
Lane Shackleton
Highly recommend checking out Neeva! As a beta tester, it's been awesome to see the product continuously improve week to week. Also very glad to see us evolve away from ad supported model here. Congrats on the launch @sridhar_ramaswamy1 @vivek_raghunathan1 @ahvee!
Disclaimer: I work at Neeva. Neeva has been my go-to search engine for almost a year! I've seen the product improve drastically, and it's only getting better. It's been refreshing to not have to think "is this an ad", or see ads of things I've clicked on follow me around every time I search. Neeva's interface makes it very easy to cut through the noise that is the internet. I feel less distracted, more productive, and at ease that my data isn't being sold to advertisers. Also, if you like to cook - Neeva does an amazing job for Recipes 😍 .
John Federico
I've been an early user of Neeva for the past few months and have been extremely happy being the customer and not the product.