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Steven Sinofsky
Neeva — Ad-free, private search
Created by ex-Google execs, Neeva is the world’s first 100% ad-free and private subscription-based search engine that puts the user first. Neeva never shares or sells user data with anyone and is committed to showing high-quality results for every search.
Ouriel Ohayon
what makes you think people will pay for a search engine?
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @ourielohayon ! Neeva users use Neeva a dozen times a day! We have a ton of research on the topic and a very large segment of our society is ready for a simpler, cleaner and better product for a daily use function. That and the increased utility we can provide with app integrations make us feel good about the propensity to pay question!
Steven Sinofsky
I'm excited to share this hunt with everyone. My friend, @sridhar_ramaswamy1 and team have been hard at work building a new search experience. Not only is it a great search product, it’s private and ad-free. I've been using it as my default search engine for a while now and am finding more to like all the time. Changing search engines is a big deal for most, but I think it is well-worth the benefits to explore Neeva and give it serious consideration. I'm happy to share this personal find with the community.
Ashley Porciuncula
Great idea, congratulations to your team on the launch!
Lane Shackleton
Highly recommend checking out Neeva! As a beta tester, it's been awesome to see the product continuously improve week to week. Also very glad to see us evolve away from ad supported model here. Congrats on the launch @sridhar_ramaswamy1 @vivek_raghunathan1 @ahvee!
Ken Savage
I just have one simple question… How does Neeva compare to DuckDuckGo?
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @kensavage ! See response to Michael's (@product_at_producthunt) question a few minutes ago...
Ken Savage
Will Neeva ever build a browser also?
Darin Fisher
@kensavage Hi Ken, the Neeva browser is available today for iPhone & iPad. Perhaps you are wondering about other platforms? Stay tuned! :-)
Mike Orren
Been using for a few weeks now and it is far and away the best search tool. The secret weapon is the app integrations, which I hope they continue to add to over time.
Andrew 💥
Long-awaited product! Have been following your journey from while! So it's even more sad to see it's not available outside of the US 😞 When do you plan to expand and why not just allow to have access to the same search results? I'm not living in the US rn but read the same sources & search in English only 😳
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @the_andriy_bond ! We haven't built out the one box integrations for things like local results, stocks, etc. Drop us a note at if you want to give us a spin anyway.
Nathan Maingard
Loving the concept, I'm just curious about this is different/better than duckduckgo? Also, will you be taking part in censoring of any search results, such as info about view on vaccinations, etc? I'm not saying where I land on this, I just really like to have access to all sides of all stories so I can make my own informed decisions about what I believe, rather than having only one side funnelled to me. Thanks so much
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi Nathan @natemaingard ! I am pasting a reply from an earlier question that you likely missed: Duck is a free search engine that promises to remember nothing about you: we call that an anonymous search engine. Well, that means Duck doesn't get better for you as you keep using it. Duck still has ads and the instant you click on an ad, advertisers and the rest of the internet are tracking you even though Duck is not. On Neeva, there are no ads and therefore no search-enabled tracking. You go directly to the site you want. Ultimately, anonymous search engines force a bad choice: privacy or an unpersonalized search experience that does not get better. Neeva is personalized, private and ads free which we think is superior. Brave appears to have the same model in being ad supported. For the record, we love that search engines like Duck exist. They give us choice and prevent important functions like search from being the purview of one or two players. Our thesis is that a subscription search engine is set up for long term success because of the dedication we bring to the product getting better. That's our only job, we have no ads and advertisers to deal with. ------ Our goal is get you the information that is out there. We will offer the facilities to learn more about the sites you are getting your information so that you can decide for yourself. In that sense, our goal is to not censor things.
Greg Garnhart
Hey Product Hunt! I've been beta testing Neeva since April. @sridhar_ramaswamy1 and the entire team have done a great job on a search engine that I imagine will only get better with time. That said, I switched back to using Google (with AdBlock) about a week ago. I got relevant results most of the time with Neeva, particularly in the areas of news and product searches. I had more trouble finding the correct answer to my software development questions. Unfortunately, Google's spillover became relevant when I started searching for local restaurant reviews as well. My preferred platform for finding good eats is Google Maps -- I'm a big contributor there! With Neeva (understandably) pushing Yelp over Google Maps, I found myself opening a new tab and entering a specific location in Maps to look at reviews. This is all to say that Neeva has done an incredible job for most cases, but wasn't enough to make me stick around. I'd encourage everyone to try Neeva out and decide for yourself what you prefer!
Avi Fein
Thanks for the feedback @ggarnhart ! Our team is hard at work making local & programming searches better. In addition, we try to make it easy to get to the same place on Google or Apple maps with direct links. Plus, you can always use our query shortcuts feature to append “!gmaps” and redirect your search to Google Maps. For example, “best restaurants near me !gmaps” will redirect you. If you have any other thoughts or feedback on local — it’s great you’re a Google Maps contributor! — please reach out to and we can help find a time for us to chat. Thanks again!
Andrey Klen
Instant download. Congrats on the public launch!
Congratulations on the launch. More options in this space have been sorely missing.
John Federico
I've been an early user of Neeva for the past few months and have been extremely happy being the customer and not the product.
Girdharee Saran
Congrats on the launch 🎉
Arthur Kaye
I liberated myself from smart phone slavery a few years ago - and I recommend this to all - so I don't think I can use this since I don't see a version for a desktop/laptop browser
Nathan Wiegand
Hi @kayester, Neeva employee here. While we do offer an iPhone app, Neeva is a general purpose search engine that you can access from your desktop web browser!
Manyam Mallela
I have been using Neeva for several weeks now and the team has done novel thinking around what search can be, personal, private and explorative, it allows an user to create and save lists allowing you to create your own wiki of sorts, highly recommend for exploring your interests and product hunts that are not just 1-click away
Trevor O'Brien
i'm super excited for Neeva — a refreshing reminder that software tailored to your personal preferences doesn't need to come at the expense of your personal privacy
Vijay Koduri
@sridhar_ramaswamy1 - Huge congrats on this launch! I just signed up and played around with it, interface looks really clean and compelling. Nice work!!
Rachel Cheng
Hi everyone! I'm Rachel, a Product Designer here at Neeva. One of the main reasons why I joined Neeva is because of how incredibly personal and user-centric our mission is. Focusing on giving control back to our users has been exhilarating. From finding recipes for a family dinner to assembling data for a research report, the talented team here at Neeva is determined to give you the best possible friction-less search experience — whatever that search query may be. Give us a try and let us show you what an ad-free, private search engine could be like. And, definitely let us know what you think. We're all very excited to hear and learn from your feedback!
Coming soon to your region! Enter your email to join our waitlist, and we'll get in touch as soon as Neeva is available in your corner of the world. -- I do not really care for local search, anything for US or worldwide would still make sense. How does one get in?
Sridhar Ramaswamy
Hi @egorka, drop us a note at