Ovi Negrean

nugget - Visual quotes from business and personal development books

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Ovi Negrean
Hey there! I'm Ovi, one of the co-founders of nugget! Get Smarter in 5 Seconds: Swipe Through the World's Best Books. Do you wish you could read more books... but never find the time? Think over the last six months. Imagine how much smarter you'd be, if you could get the main takeaways of just ONE more book per month. Now, you can read books 5 seconds at a time. With nugget, you can swipe through the BEST business books. It's like Tinder for your brain. nugget is a highly visual app that helps you discover, remember and share the best content of books that make you better. Think GoodReads quotes meets Instagram. A nugget is highly visual book soundbite. A short standalone quote from a book, that brings value on its own. nuggets are either an inspirational quote or an actionable quote accompanied by a relevant background image for more impact so you remember it easier. If you want to write about nugget - just reach out - Ovi at getnugget.co
Rodrigo Prior
@ovinegrean Great to see Nugget here! Product seems useful and I'm giving it a chance since I've always looking for an app that give me smart pills from nice books!
Ovi Negrean
@rodrigoprior Rodrigo, I think I'll use that: "smart pills from nice books" :D Love it! :D
Ryan Holiday
@ovinegrean Whoa apparently I'm in here. Cool thanks
Ovi Negrean
@arasheedphoto Thanks Adam! 80/20 would be book summaries. We're the 80/20 of 80/20 :-D And BTW, we have the 80/20 book in the app ;-)
Violeta Nedkova
Awesome, I intend on using the hell out of this. :D
Ovi Negrean
@violetanedkova We hope you'll like it more and more with each new version :-D
Jeff Young
Love the idea! I already enjoyed 'blinkist', but this is even more effective! Looking forward to using it! Good luck!
Ovi Negrean
@j3ffyoung Wow Jeff! You went straight to my heart with this one. I like Blinkist too, but I think there's place for both of us. Different flavours of becoming better through books, in an efficient matter :-)
Florin Muresan
Pretty neat collection of books. Finally got to see stuff from Altucher's book. I love his ideas. This is like a trailer to those books. As for UX / UI : i think the share button should be bigger :) i'm afraid to press it because I feel I'll end up pressing No. And i really love these sections from the books
Ovi Negrean
@florin_muresan Good feedback Florin. Thanks and we'll use it! :D
very excited for this launch! hope the team will also provide 'nuggets' for TED talks as well. Would be a huge timesaver!
Ovi Negrean
@ak310i It is indeed a good Idea Aneela. We've put it on the list! :-)
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Thanks for putting pictures into books that lack them. This is hero-level work!
Ovi Negrean
@kkdub Kelly - I'll make a mug out of this. Love it! :D Thanks a lot!
Shlok Vaidya
Given this is basically lead gen for books, you'll be able to get authors on board pretty easily to do AMAs and the like, which is cool because selling books is a pain. What's more interesting to me personally is the other side, the annotation potential for this - create my own cards from my books with my thoughts, publish those etc.
Ovi Negrean
@shloky That's (part of) our plan, Shlok! And adding your own is #1 on our next features priority list, indeed! :-)
Nikita Bakirov
Looks good! @ovinegrean are you going to monetize it somehow ?
Ovi Negrean
@nikitabakirov We hope so! :)) We have affiliate links for the books from day 1. And we'll have some other monatization features later on. Thanks for your question.
Ovi Negrean
@rocketclubco Didn't thought like that bout it, but I can see some similarities :-)
Phillip Yang
Wow, great idea! I've always wished there was something like this that made it easier to find some knowledge. Definitely going to try it out!
Ovi Negrean
@geeky_yang Glad you like it Phillip! Let me know what you think once you've used it for a while.
noah rosenberg
The new way business books will be written! I've been lucky enough to see this product evolve from the very first build (with one book!) and am deeply impressed with how far Ovi and his team have taken it. It's really hard to define a new way to do anything, a new habit, but nugget definitely creates one. It's cliff notes for the Twitter generation, and I think very soon people will write directly to this format instead of fluffing up their books with crap.
Ovi Negrean
@nrose Thanks a lot for the kind words Noah!
Ryan McCready
Quick question, how easy is it to share these on Twitter, Insta, etc. & will it tag the authors?
Ovi Negrean
@ryanmccready1 Hey Ryan - it's 2 taps to share on Facebook / Twitter / Email / Text. Istagram does not have an API yet so no :-( We will tag the authors as of next version. Did not get it to have it in v1..
Quadri Oshibotu
Looks good @nikitabakirov. Not only will I learn from the quotes, but as an avid book reader I'll also know which books to add to my collection 👍
Ovi Negrean
@qoshibotu Yes indeed! And another benefit - after you've read them, you can easily remember the main points by looking at the nuggets ;-)
Daniël W. Crompton
I think this would also be great for journal articles.
Ovi Negrean
@webhat We want to make it more into a platform later on, so it could be done! :-)
Joshua Scott
Like this product and the founding team. I used to use Blinkist to evaluate if I wanted to read a book or not, but I like Nugget better because there are more direct quotes as opposed to reworded summaries. Good job, Ovi!
Hal Gottfried
This seems similar to Blinkist but only quote based.
Ovi Negrean
@hgottfried There are a bit of similarities with Blinkist indeed. But we think we're also quite different :-)
Muhammad Saad Khan
@OviNegrean -- Downloading it on my Android, will definitely reach to you on Twitter with the feedback.
Ovi Negrean
@invinciblesaad Very happy to hear that Muhammad! We always love feedback! ;-)
Ovi Negrean
Well this was bound to happen.. Our site was down.. Luckily our team got it right back up! :-D Way to go nugget team!
Sydney Liu
Really cool Ovi! I just tried it out and love it. Obviously it's not the same as reading the book, but it gives a really strong synopsis. I was able to get a great review of a few books I read before and wanted to go over again but never got around to. Also a few books that were recommended by friends but much farther down the reading list. Learned a lot of little gems and provoked me to think a lot in a similar a fashion a normal book does. How fast do you plan on adding books? What books are next?
Ovi Negrean
@sydney_liu_sl We're adding between 2 and 5 books / week. But v2 will help us add them a lot faster. So we're working on that already ;-) Thanks for your kind words!
Tam Pham
So happy for you! :)