Arjun Balaji

Nibbly - Tinder for food in your area


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Tori Bunte
Finally the perfect dating app for me.
Andre Borczuk
@stttories I use it for my love affair with food...
Dan Moore
@stttories @andretheentree Ashley Madison for diets.
Andy Rosenberg
My 2 cents - hold off on deeper integrations until you see how people are interacting/ find out what they really want.
Andrew Hitti
@AndyTheGiant Definitely! Our last product we developed for 5 months before really getting it out there. This one we built over these past two weeks. We've really learned a lot about validating the base assumptions of a product before putting in tons of features
Andre Borczuk
Hey PH, @andrewhitti and I made this, so ask us anything! We've only been developing this for two weeks, so it's brand new...let us know what you think!
Andrew Hitti
@andretheentree Lettuce is all about finding the best food near you, with the design of Tinder and the personalization of Pandora. We build your "taste profile" so you can always have an answer to "What's for lunch?"
Sam Bauch
might be interesting to reach out to the Resy team and see about integrating reservations ( cc @benleventhal ). Some type of foursquare integration would be neat too. Haven't checked out their API in a while but would be great if you could pull in tastes and then save likes to a list.
Andre Borczuk
@sammybauch Thanks for the tip! @benleventhal we should definitely talk...that's one of the next 2 steps we're working on. The other is to be able to share "decks" of places you go. Since we're actually already pulling our data from the foursquare API, right now in the secret alpha version you can take saved likes and save it to a foursquare list...very prescient! Soon after that you'll be able to ingest lists and send them to each other as decks so your friends will be able to swipe through your recommendations! The only reason we haven't done tastes is because the API doesn't show individual restaurant tastes, so we can't link up your personal tastes with actual restaurants. For that, we're going to do a cluster analysis and come up with some latent segments! Thanks for the response Sam! If you want to get in on that alpha version and give us more feedback shoot me your email (I'm and I'll add you to hockey app :)
Sam Bauch
@heylettuce @andretheentree very interesting. I like the "decks" feature. I'm doing something similar with tunedup ( ) and user created playlists. one of the pieces I like with what I'm doing is providing the curator analytics on swipes
Andre Borczuk
@heylettuce @sammybauch just checked it out. we want to do something similar! definitely down to hear you design decisions if you want to chat
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
So it's like Foodspotting meets Tinder, and replaces Ness? :)
Andre Borczuk
@chrismessina Throw in Pandora soon for the personalization/ how we're showing each new place and you have a deal :). Except no one can replace Ness... (
Sumeet Shah
There need to be more puns here. Lettuce go.
Andre Borczuk
@PE_Feeds So true...that's actually how we thought of the name haha. that's the hidden backstory. How have you been Sumeet? We transitioned from Ripple, did some soul searching and created this since we saw you last :)
Some Guy
I'm on Android so I can't check myself, but does it learn your preferences with each like/dislike like Pandora, and cater new matches based on that? I feel that would make it way more useful. After all, the whole point of the left/right swipe mechanism for Tinder is so to match you with users who are interested in you back, but that doesn't really apply to restaurants, since they aren't going in and swiping right and left on their customers.
Andrew Hitti
@ghobs91 It does! The good thing is it takes only a few seconds to do a bunch of swipes so we get a lot of data in a short period of time, whereas with pandora you have to listen to an entire song. To speak to your second point, we'll be adding the ability to add a pool of a dozen or so friends so we can suggest plans for groups on the weekend!
Mike Bestvina
Slightly pedantic rant incoming... I wouldn't use Tinder as the "X for Y" comparison on anything except when it requires both parties to agree to move forward with a goal. If you're swiping left and right for discovery purposes and one party doesn't have a choice in the relationship, then it's just a wish list/bookmarking app. More appropriately, this means you're not conveying your message properly to your potential users (which is the purpose of "X for Y") and will lose out on adoption.
Andrew Hitti
@mbesto That makes a lot of sense! Are you able to think of a better comparison? In the future we want to add the ability to add a pool of a dozen or so friends so we can suggest plans for groups on the weekend based on each user's swipes. Do you think that satisfies the "both parties to agree to move forward with a goal"? What do you think of: Lettuce – Tinder(design) + Pandora(personalization) for food?
Andrew Hitti
Thanks! Right now we're pulling all our data from foursquare, but our long term vision is to make finding any fun things to do with friends extremely easy.
Rigel St Pierre
Maybe I missed it but I'd love to be able to see a list of places I've liked.
Andrew Hitti
@rigelstpierre that's in a build that's currently waiting for review in the app store! Once that build hits the store you can see your likes, a map view will be in the image slider and the cards will look a lot better with the active color signifying what is clickable or not We were going to wait to launch but that review time of 8 days is killer!
Tsvi Tannin
What are you supposed to do if you've never been to a place? Is there a place in the app where I can go to see what you'd recommend?
Andrew Hitti
@tsvi_tannin Hey! We have a build that's pending review that lets you see your likes. The goal of the card is to give you all the information you need to make a decision if you'd like to go there or not. If you can't decide then we need to figure out a better way to show information about venues!
Andre Borczuk
Also stay tuned for some updates: we've already added a map and a little description into the picture feed for easy access, and soon after you'll be able to share decks of recommendations with your friends! Please let us know what you think can be improved...we rely on the community's awesome feedback.
Kartik Mandaville
Great app for a two week project. Where do you get the data from?
Andre Borczuk
Hey everyone! If you want to stay updated on Lettuce's progress (especially if you're Android!), drop your email into this form Thanks!
Zalmi Duchman
Best way to find and share your favorite restaurants