Hey! I wanted to write with a little more background on the magazine.
n+1 is a magazine of literature, culture, and politics published three times a year. It was founded in New York City in 2004 by six young writers and editors who wanted to revive the long American tradition of politically engaged literary magazines. It has since pursued its editorial mission of encouraging writers, both new and established, to take themselves seriously, to write with as much daring and energy as possible, and to connect their own deepest concerns with the broader social and political environment—that is, to write, while it happens, a history of the present day.
Here are a few nice things people have said about us:
“n+1 has established itself as the bellwether of a new generation of literary intellectuals”—Harper’s Magazine
“A concentration of work without precedent or equal in the US or anywhere else”—New Left Review
“The best goddamn literary magazine in America”—Mary Karr
Now, the new thing that's posted here: the n+1 Magazine Reader. I have some thoughts about it!
Literary publishing via iOS is in a strange place at the moment. Condé Nast has poured eyewatering amounts of money into making a sophisticated range of apps for publications like the New Yorker, capable of processing payments in sophisticated ways. We can't do that, we're a tiny nonprofit. n+1 has been producing exceptionally lovely epubs and pdf versions of the magazine for many years, but we had been emailing them in a .zip file to digital subscribers. This worked fine, kind of, but the delivery system was inelegant. So, we knew that we wanted to create a simple app to act as little more as a reader for the digital archive of n+1, but we also knew we could not afford to lose reader data to Apple or to build something very complicated.
The solution came in the form of Eddie Zhang, a very talented n+1 intern with rich iOS knowledge, not yet graduated from NYU. Together with a little app task force headed up by n+1’s business team, Jo Livingstone (that’s me) and Cosme Del Rosario-Bell, Eddie has designed and developed an app which perfectly suits our needs. We are exceptionally proud of both Eddie and our designer of ten years, Dan O. Williams, who produces our very stylish print and electronic editions. Mostly, we’re just very happy that we could build this entirely in-house. We didn’t know there was such a thing as an iOS app made in the spirit of independent literary publishing, but, as it happens, there is.
Kristen Dombeck out Cheryl Strayed's Cheryl Strayed in her advice column. I've binge read the past 6 issues in as many days and there are so gems throughout. If you're not a subscriber yet, you should be. chop chop!
Also, I highly recommend the n+1 essay collection "Happiness".
nēdl (as in, 'the haystack')