I’m very proud today to introduce Nebula for desktop and its open source counterpart three-nebula (https://three-nebula.org) - a WebGL based particle system designer and engine for three (https://threejs.org).
Nebula was created as a branch from my game/game-engine creation project; Project GoldScript (https://projectgoldscript.com). I made it because I couldn’t find any way to visually and interactively create rich, eye catching particle systems for my engine that could potentially match those made for AAA games.
With Nebula, you can create eye catching particle systems, save them as JSON and render them in any website or app that supports WebGL using three and three-nebula. Particles can be rendered direct to the GPU making for some extremely performant effects.
At present the app is in alpha and there may be issues, from UI bugs to performance problems, but I'm pleased enough with it to let people start playing around and see what kinds of things the community can create. There's also no fully fleshed out user guide or manual right now because I'm sure users will have a lot of feedback about the first draft for the UI. I'd rather wait until I've addressed the first round of major concerns before investing time into writing a guide.
I've got a lot of plans for the future, such as an online space where people can upload, view & download other people's particle systems and bunch of other advanced features that I'll talk about soon.
For now, if you have questions, comments or want to simply discuss things, please head over to the repo's discussions page in Github (https://github.com/creativelifef...). If you'd like to keep up to date with the latest changes and feature additions, please follow me or the official app account on Twitter (https://twitter.com/getnebula).