Jiwon J

Mybridge 2.0 - Top articles for your professional skills


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Jiwon J
Hi hunters, Weโ€™re thrilled to introduce Mybridge 2.0! It's a free app that will make your professional life simpler and more productive. Simply pick your skills and let Mybridge do all the work for you, searching and finding today's top articles. Mybridge AI got smarter than 1.0. It is now covering most of the web in tech and ranks articles with much higher precision for professionals, especially for programmers and designers. Another thing that's cool is Learning Collection. Mybridge now puts together top articles into related collections and this will come in handy when you're learning and improving your work. I hope you read more and achieve more with Mybridge!
Jiwon J
@ryanckulp Thanks Ryan!!
Jiwon J
@millytoovey Thanks Milly!!
David Hyman
Can't wait for an android app!
Claudio Martins
I'm loving the product so far, but I'm curious, why limit to 5 skills? There are others things I'd like to follow as well.
Jiwon J
@claudiomartins Thanks Claudio and welcome onboard! A little story about 5 skills limit: In the beginning we used LinkedIn to match dozens of your skills and we recommended articles based on that. We quickly realized that this made Top 10 less relevant as there were articles coming from too many interests. Second (honest) reason is we may seek an opportunity in subscription based model where we charge a small fee per month for providing extra 5 skills. We plan to speak with more users like yourself and figure this out soon!
Claudio Martins
@jiwonbest thanks for the answer! I'm an avid reader, trying to source interesting and hidden content that I can learn more about several subjects. I'm a Zite orphan and really dislike how Flipboard source its content and present it, nothing really makes a lot of sense there. Zite was perfect. I'm playing around with Mybridge and I'd be definitely a paying subscriber to unlock these features. I'm also available for beta testing.
Jiwon J
@claudiomartins Sounds great! Hopefully Mybridge will be the next Zite for you. But since one is alive, it'll keep getting better. And your voice and feedback will help us get there.
Jiwon J
@vazgenb @claudiomartins Good feedback Vazgen. We think a lot about merging & separating skills. I think it's best we speak to more users about this.
I like your A.I.'s taste
david grossblatt
you app just made me better and smarter. Thanks!
Lesile  Liu
Really love this, I can get the newest and (only) best articles at the same time now! I will definitely pay a subscribe when available.
Camillo Visini
After I'm able to select as many skills as I'd like (even if I have to pay for it) I'll use it, otherwise I get a feeling of missing out on some articles.
Jiwon J
@camillovisini Thank you, Camillo. We'll try our best to make it happen soon.
Victor Manrique
I installed the app and it looks great to be honest. Will see how AI performs in time! :D
Jen Lee
This is pretty cool. How do you source your articles?
Jiwon J
@jenleeny Thanks Jen! We've been organizing publishers, sites, blogs on the internet ever since Mybridge was around. Our technology matches them with professional interests and ranks articles, then it picks top articles for each individual.
Jen Lee
@jiwonbest Ah makes sense. Is there a monetization strategy in mind with partnering with these publishers?
Jiwon J
@jenleeny We could introduce Buy Button like Pinterest but for professionals. It will be good to make publishers richer and users smarter. Will see..
Alexandru Porcescu
@jiwonbest tech standpoint how do you know when new articles are published? RSS?
Jiwon J
@litechip Good question Alexandru. We have a system in place that notifies when new articles are published on the web. Of course this would be very costly if we were to monitor every single site. For our machine to be notified, a post needs to exceed our quality threshold. This way, we ensure we don't get spams or poorly written articles and at the same time we can reduce the fixed cost.
Marko Radak
Hands down, this just become my favourite reading app after a few minutes of use. I love how you gathered the content from some of the really unexpected sources ๐Ÿ˜„ The only thing I'd personally work on is the design of the app. In all honesty, it could look more polished. I'd be delighted to leave you guys an actual useful feedback though, if you're after such thing ๐Ÿ˜Š
Jiwon J
@iammarkoradak Hi Marko, thanks for the very kind words. I'd love to get your feedback on design!
Philipp Wรผthrich
Why isn't there an Android version? It's not that hard to make a native cross platform App these days. For example, take a look at fusetools, it's super easy... But the product itself is awesome!
Jiwon J
@phippuuuu Thank you Philipp, I'm glad you like it ! We built iOS app with Swift to make the experience more sophisticated at that time. Currently, Android is under development (in Java). Stay tuned!
Tarek Besbes
Cool! Just updated to 2.0. Looking forward for more! I don't know but have you changed the font for the new update ? Somehow the header and the body doesn't fit in design wise.The date time is taking so much space of the app. My personal opinions of course. Keep up the great work! ๐Ÿ˜„
Jiwon J
@theelooper Welcome onboard Tarek! I'll make a good use of your design feedbacks. Also it's becoming clear that more users prefer the previous font. We'll be making the update soon.
Dale Brose
Yup. Please repost when the Android version gets released. Looking forward to that.
ChangJoo Park
Nice job :)
James Taylor
Hey Jiwon, I too am a Zite orphan and cannot stand Flipboard (never did)... I am hoping when the Android version of Mybridge is ready can do similar or better than Zite... Question, can you expand on what type of A.I. you are applying in your app and if any training is involved?
Jiwon J
@jamestaylor_io Thanks James, we'll surely have a competitive Android version out. About AI, there are 3 primary things we're trying to get our machine learn over time to achieve automation and content recommendation that is better than your friend or even an influencer: Learning about the link, about the context of the content, and about the user's preference.
Alexander Beletsky
Oh, this is nice. I'm looking for something like that since GetPrismatic closedown. Just created my account and can see that content is pretty relevant. Looking forward for Android reading app.
Jonathan Riftin
Looks great but when will you have an Android version?
Jiwon J
@jonathan_riftin It's under development. We'll let you know the soonest when it's ready.
Dan Far
Sign up with Google seems broken. 400. Thatโ€™s an error. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch Application: Mybridge You can email the developer of this application at: team@mybridge.co
Jiwon J
@tostartafire @mybridge Thanks for the feedback. We've just noticed this as well. It's caused by API mismatch with Google, I'm guessing a small typo error somewhere. For those who see this message, please go back to the landing page and try sign-up from there: This should work for now.
Andrew Wooldridge
Why only 5 skills? My range of interests is larger and it's hard to pick just 5.
Jiwon J
@triptych Hi Andrew. This is actually question we receive most often. I wrote a reply to @claudiomartins just above. Thanks!
Rotem Yakir
@jiwonbest This is cool. I was wondering if it will be possible (maybe in the future) to pick a topic that is not on the list. For example, I would love to read all the stories about GIFs (since my company is the future of GIFs ;-) ), would it be possible?
Jiwon J
@rotemthegolfer Rotem, thanks for bringing this up. We've been actually approached by a few companies with the same request. This can be done and we may do this in the future for business customers. It would take 2-3 days to set up our technology. We may even be able to break it down to, say, GIF news, GIF for developers, building a GIF startup, etc.
Rotem Yakir
@jiwonbest sounds great. So will you do it?
Jiwon J
@rotemthegolfer Not at this point, Rotem. Once more popular skills are all active, then we can consider this. Let's keep talking.