Wimer Hazenberg

Color Palette Generator - Quick and easy CSS color palettes for inspiration


Color Palette Generator is a tool to quickly generate color palettes. You can use these palettes in your web projects by simply copy-pasting the CSS code. We use the color science from My Brand New Logo so every palette is algorithmically generated and unique.

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Wimer Hazenberg
Just launched a new spin-off from My Brand New Logo: a quick way to generate color palettes for your next web project. Would love to get some feedback!
Daniel Martínez
Awesome! What algorithms do you use for creating the palettes? What makes a good palette vs a bad one?
Wimer Hazenberg
@daniel_martinez_w I work in CIELAB color space, and adapt colors via a custom attenuation function. What makes a good palette? That's a good question and it's subjective. I tried to make rules that incorporate contrast, a color differentiation threshold and "interesting" hues that don't stay constant.
Aniket Kudale
I too have developed something similar, called Kolor Tabs
Michael Boykin
Love a good palette generator. Thanks for making and sharing!
Lauri Post
Perfect! Would be cool to send the palette straight to Figma :)
Wimer Hazenberg
@ laurip good idea. I think it's good to add some export / download options in the future.
Chloe Chan
Awesome idea.
Tsing Tsing
This is great for graphic design. Thanks for coming up with such a clever product!
Michael Mirzoyan
Can you tell me how long it took to make this product?
Wimer Hazenberg
@michael_mirzoyan Well, it's a spin-off of my logo generator https://mybrandnewlogo.com . That was where all the bulk of the work went. I estimate development of the first version of that logo generator took ~600 hours, spread over a little more than a year. Part of that were color algorithms, which this app reuses and involved some experimenting time. It's hard to decouple. This color palette page took ~2 days of tinkering, but most of the code was already there.
Sauravr Roy
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