Mike Heap

WhatsApp AI Chatbot by My AskAI - Create an AI WhatsApp chatbot, using your content in minutes

Upload your website or documents, create your conversational AI bot then integrate it with WhatsApp in minutes so anyone can access your knowledge and can get questions answered 24/7.

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Mike Heap
Making a chatbot with WhatsApp can really suck, having to plan out all those different flows and questions users might ask takes forever, then you have to deal with different languages, and after all that you also have to try and make it *feel* natural. We wanted to make something you could set up in minutes, not days, and that required zero maintenance, specialist knowledge and no paying people on Upwork or Fiverr to get it set up for you. So we took what we learned from serving our first 30k users and today we’re launching our WhatsApp AI Chatbot builder in My AskAI. It goes something like this: 1. Upload your content (e.g. your website, SOPs, process manuals, books, or whatever other content you want your AI to learn from) (1-5 mins) 2. Click to create your AskAI (bot) (~seconds) 3. Follow our WhatsApp bot integration guide showing you how to get set up with Meta (10-15 mins - quicker if you have a Meta business account already) 4. Share your chatbot with the world and start talking ⭐ Here’s what the 1st user to set it up said ⭐ “I just configured the integration via WhatsApp Bot. Congratulations, MyAskAI is excellent!!” - Support, StelaTek On top of this: 👤 **Personalized responses**: Change how your chatbot responds, behaves or give it a role 🌍 **Multilingual**: Your bot speaks any language out of the box, with 95 languages as standard, and will answer in whatever language it is asked 🕵️ **References and sources**: It will show reference links to the materials it has used to answer questions so your users can click to learn more 📈 **Analytics**: Get analytics on all the questions being asked to your bot and how they are being answered Also: 🎯 **Control and Accuracy:** Your bot will ONLY answer based on the content you upload, so it’s perfect for sharing more information about your business and not just giving users access to ChatGPT. 🔒 **Privacy**: No data added to your bot is used to train OpenAIs models, and nobody has access to it unless you let them In addition to this, you can use the same bot (or a different one if you want) in your Slack, Teams, or on your website as a chat widget. ⚡ **Special 24hr launch day offer (expires 12:01 PST 28 Jul)** ⚡ Today only we are also offering 25% off for the 1st 6 months of your subscription if you sign up with PHASKWHAT. Try it out for free today!
@michael_heap congrats (again)! Does the MyAskAI Bot auto update any dynamic content and if so, how often? For example, if I'm using a website with forums as the library, will the bot stay up to date with new comments, threads, posts, etc? And if it's a manual process, does the bot remember the previous training or does it start again? Cheers
Mike Heap
@dsrtcrypto Hey and thank you! So we do monthly automatic webpage updates on our Hobby plan and Weekly on Pro and above. I'll be honest though in saying I am not confident how well it would work with forum content, it may do, but haven't tried it yet. We have had people upload slack histories and it seems to work with that pretty well. Best thing with most AI is to try and if it doesn't work take us up on our 7 day money back policy!
@michael_heap Thanks and will give it a test-drive. Also, sent a white-label question in the LinkedIns last week or so.
Cyril Gupta
The product looks good, will check it out Mike!
Mike Heap
@cyriljeet Thanks Cyril, let me know what you think!
James O'Sullivan
Who's your target customer?
Mike Heap
@james_o_sullivan1 SMEs in the US generally (but we have a much more defined ICP)
Arindam Barman
Looks awesome. Congrats guys
zefanya injilia
This is very useful!! Since Whatsapp were used by everyone and its easier to not scroll to other websites since its already there! Thankyou
Mike Heap
@zefanya_injilia Glad you like it Zefanya!
sweet, congrats on the launch Mike! :)
Patrick .G.
Great product. Now on WhatApp thats amazing! Well done guys
Mike Heap
@patrick_g_ Cheers Patrick, we'll just keep rolling out the integrations!
Jeffrey Evans
This is very cool One more integration I do not need to figure out myself. Thank You
Mike Heap
@jeffrey_evans1 Always appreciate your support Jeffrey, thank you!
Henrik Kugelberg
Brilliant idea, support and team. Lots of love! Henrik Kugelberg, Sweden
Mike Heap
@henrik_kugelberg1 Thanks for your support Henrik!
Carter Wang
';Impressive! Check my site wikigpt3.com and email me your app details and I can help get your app listed on my directory and other 100+ AI directories. Feel free to reply if you want to know more.