We’re excited to introduce Muzli Search, the newest way to discover eye-catching imagery and ideas, all in one place. Check it out here: https://search.muz.li/.
Muzli is already a goldmine of inspiring, beautiful, and fresh content, stunningly delivered every time you open a new browser tab. Now Muzli Search lets you find the eureka moments you’re looking for, so you can take your creativity even further.
This is the only search function made specifically with designers in mind—search by filters, sorters, colors, and design terminology, and receive super granulated, intelligent results from across the web.
I'm a big lover of Muzli and this is a great step forward for this product. Keep up the great job you guys at Invision have been doing for the design community.
Wow, great job guys. You've absolutely smashed design inspiration completely out of the park with this one.
I've been trying to achieve the same vision with https://uidb.io, but now I concede defeat :-) Awesome.
Wow, great job guys! There are so many small details working together to make this a really special experience - I love the microcopy prompt above the search box and how you can search by color simply hovering over the main search page. Will definitely have this bookmarked :)
This looks impressive. When I was searching at least one item was not loading over https, which was ruining the nice lock in the top left hand corner.
Had some great results for the few searches that I tried.
As my New Tab, I use Muzli every day and am rarely disappointed by the gems that show up and the inspiration it provides. I'm super looking forward to making the most of Muzli Search. Good job team :)
if this new Muzli search feature was combined with my favorite chrome extension The Day's Sidebar (http://kevinformatics.com/theday...), I would have the perfect extension.. if that's impossible, it would be nice to at least display sidebar.io's latest daily links.
@ohadaviv I know but not as quick access for the 5 latest ones, like in the plugin I shared.. where you can just hover to see the title and click to open in a new tab.
I upvoted anyway, but I just like my current plugin too much because of how simple it is.
Rocket Role
Waiting for the next cool feature :)
Pros:Great addon by muz.li team! The most awaited feature in muz.li!
Cons:nothing much
Luxury Escapes
Book About Remote Work
Bonjour App for Zoom
I love Muzli and seeing it everyday when I open a Chrome page makes me love my work everyday!
Pros:It my default chrome page, and I look at it everyday to stay up-to-date and inspired. Also shows me things that I would not see otherwise.
Cons:Sometimes not accurate with my interests.
tl;dr Marketing
This will be my new tool to search for creative things
Pros:I think is great.