Greetings hunters!
A pretty exciting and somewhat daunting day for us, will try to keep it together :)
For those who don’t already know/use Muzli, it is a new-tab Chrome extension that aims to help you stay inspired. Muzli’s audience is mainly comprised of designers, creatives and basically anyone looking for the freshest and most amazing design related content out there.
And today we’re taking it a step further.
Over the last year, as we’ve seen Muzli grow, we’ve collected huge amounts of feedback, suggestions, feature requests, frustrations, complaints, rants and even some praise from time to time (thanks mom!).
When we finally got around to start working on a major new version, user feedback was the first thing we turned to, and for the most part, Muzli 2 is the result (or rather the beginning) of this process.
We tried to address what we thought was at the top of the feature list, both from external feedback and internal needs, while strengthening some existing aspects of Muzli. We’ve tackles many of things, but not all, the rest in the works.
So what’s new? (in a nutshell)
Muzli 2 is customizable, has a smaller load footprint, magazine-like mashup of your favorite publishers, many new sources to choose from, social media signals, videos, visual view of DN, Sidebar and PH, and so much more.
You can check out the video (thank you SO much @andyorsow for helping out) and the Medium post for a quick tour.
So, I’m pretty proud of it. All that is left is to hope that you and our community would feel the same and love it as much as we do.
P.S, if you have an older version of Muzli installed and don't want to wait for the automatic update, you can manually update by following the steps outlined here:
@eyal_zuri@andyorsow@usemuzli wow!! I'm so excited to start using it because -> 1: I didn't expect it to evolve (!) and 2: Muzli has been key in my career for the past months: as a place to find inspiration, as a source to never stop learning and as a mind and eye trainer for fresh thinking. In other words, your curation efforts are so amazing that I would like to thank you so much for your work... and now Muzli 2! ヽ(”`▽´)ノヽ(”`▽´)ノ
What's new?
1. Minimal view on load
2. Smart feed mashup with a new layout
3. More sources
4. Customizable, sortable source list
5. (Almost) endless feed history
6. Virality score
7. Designer News, Sidebar and Product Hunt: Beyond text
8. Play videos right inside the Feed
9. Keep an eye on unread content
10. Hand picked, professionally curated & massively inspiring
@eyal_zuri@sagivfrankel@ohadaviv can tell us more :)
Just a light musing: When will people stop using the phrase, "it's like Crack for..."? From a purely editorial perspective, the line is hackneyed for middle school comedians, let alone business men like yourselves. Further, it alienates those whose natural response to the phrase "crack", is empathy. Your website targets the aesthetically sensitive, so, maybe the copy should reflect that?
I really like what you guys have done here - however! I am a big fan of speedial, more the idea and how it works. Its super easy to customise and arrange that new tab just how you like it by dragging and dropping stuff around.
Now obviously this might not be what you guys are intending to do with muzli byt what I would love to see is that I could arrange my links that I always use ( generally not directly design related but what I need when I hit a new tab ) along with this super content that you guys pull up. I do think what you have done is super cool and I like looking at it allot. It jars a little with me that a new tab will be filled with beautiful distractions but thats down to my short attention span.
Great work in any case, I thought id give you my honest oppinion for whatever its worth.
Hustle X