Andrew Zusman

Muzli - UI/UX and Design Inspiration Chrome Extension


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Eyal Zuri
Muzli is a great Chrome extension for designers and UX professionals. Get all the hottest, most inspiring quality shots and news from around the web, in every new tab or by demand. In addition, we’ve included a maintained set of quick-links to several awesome sites. Muzli’s idea is to provide a quick, easy and professionally curated gateway to all of the great and cool stuff that’s out there. This is our first version, and we’re planning some more awesome surprises Stay tuned.
Andrew Zusman
Always looking for inspiring content :) Cool stuff this one.
Jared Scheel
Like most, I'm always on the look-out for new inspiration. However, I personally prefer a default tab in chrome that doesn't suck me down a rabbit hole. Usually, when opening a new tab, I already have a task in mind.
Ryan Hoover
I'm seeing more "new tab" Chrome extensions lately. This reminds me a lot of @williamchanner & @ahmetsulek's Panda (which integrates with Product Hunt).
William Channer
Agreed @rrhoover. @ahmetsulek and I find it quite amusing :)
Andrew Zusman
Content is king. :-) The game is to see who has the best of the best, and this one delivers IMO.
Arjun Ram
Nice! My only wish is that there should be a way to disable taking over a new tab. I have producthunt extension enabled which gets taken over!
Catalin Zorzini
great selection!
Tweeter Hale
Liking this. Very nice
Derek Chen
This's cool! Are you have develop plan for developer?
Ktryn Dchrs

Daf*ck I need an extension to run it? No dedicated websites so I could access it like... on Firefox? Hell no


Great when you use a browser based on Chromium


- Absolute need of an extension - Does not work in non Chromium based browsers (Firefox)