
Mute - Crowdsourced words list to mute on social media

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This is a tough one... on one hand I like it but on the other hand it can be used to further push droves of people deeper into their clueless echo chambers of misinformation (I hate the term Fake news) dictated by our confirmation bias tendencies. I feel torn because I have been rather public in my demands to Flipboard to give us users an option to do just this....the ability to filter certain subjects from their feed. They have responded saying it is on the road map and it will take some time....which I don't believe. I think we should be able to have more control over our filter bubbles....especially in light of what's going on politically these says with spreading censorship by the left. We cannot continue to be ostriches by sticking our heads in the ground and that is my fear with this type of tool. We ALL need to meet in the middle and have unpleasant and sometimes eye-opening and mind-changing discussions. Otherwise we should just call this tool SafeSpaceMaker. What do you think?
Jordan Krueger
@paisano Completely agree. I was literally, just yesterday, reading through Pieter's twitter feed and thinking how much I admired his skills and thought-provoking discussions re: email/Twitter DMs! But this is just another example of tech folks who are willfully neglecting politics and helping each other – and those who follow them – become more ignorant to what's happening. How did we end up with a madman in power? Because most people stuck their head in the sand and refused to educate themselves or vote for the saner alternative. You don't want to see Game of Thrones spoilers on Twitter? Cool. But willful ignorance about what's happening in politics does not "cleanse your mind" to "make you more productive." All it does is give the lunatics a bigger piece of the discussion pie by involving fewer sane people.
Garet McKinley
@paisano So glad someone made this point. I was literally laying in bed trying to sleep last night and couldn't stop thinking about how disturbing a product like this actually is and what it means for society or tech culture as a whole. You saved me from a lot of anxiety filled typing. Yes I absolutely love @levelsio's work, he's a master at bringing ideas to fruition. But this was made far too accessible to the masses. People will being muting everything remotely related to politics (or more likely: politics they *don't agree with*). The only thing more dangerous than living in a conservative-dominant country is having the majority of the left party living in willful ignorance. Guess what? Conservatives are talking, and they're being extremely loud. If we're not responding to it, who's voice is heard by the masses? And if we're just speaking in an echo chamber, who (that matters) is actually listening? It's cool to have people agreeing with you, but both sides of the coin need to exist for progress to happen. It's the yin and yang. If we're not listening to conservatives, why the fuck are they going to listen to us?
@paisano @jordankrueger I respect your disagreement. Personally I question the efficacy of daily outrage about geopolitics by individuals like me who can't affect it except for voting people into power. Also, what most American seem to forget: I'm a Netherlands citizen and like most people in the world have no electoral power to influence your politics which dominates our discourse. The rest of the world is not America. Your culture is not ours, so I think we have the right to not listen to your political discourse. You voted, not us.
@jordankrueger @levelsio I hope most people aren't interested solely in US politics. We should all care about what's going on globally not just locally.... everything reverberates across the world. The nightmares of Europe have ripple effects to these shores.
Joe Toscano
@levelsio I agree with @paisano here. It's not about you not listening to US politics, it's a matter of making living in a protected shield of hedonism, in general. I respect your desire to avoid the bad news and fully understand what you're feeling. I avoid it myself. But I do it by scrolling past those stories on my timeline. I glance at headlines occasionally to make sure we're not in WWIII yet, but it's still good to see stuff you don't like. We can't have good days without bad ones. I really do appreciate your work but I strongly recommend removing this because, as mentioned previously and regardless of what revenue you may make off this (maybe none idk), it makes living in a hedonistic bubble of immediate gratification too easy and that has the potential for horrendous effects on society at scale.
👋 Hi Product Hunters! 🤔 Problem It seems like every week there's a new hot political issue that dominates the social timeline of Facebook and Twitter. I respect the people that do try to change things. But for me, news about Trump, North Korea and other stuff I can't affect only makes me more scared, angry and feeling powerless. 💡 Idea I've been experimenting with muting political keywords from my Twitter timeline for the last few months. And it's been working well. I feel less powerless and I can spend my time on actually affecting change in the communities where I am on a local scale with the people around me. It's more effective for me than trying to change things on a global scale. The peace I get from not seeing politics on social media makes me more calm and gives me more time left to actually affect change around me. Where I actually have reach. 🛠 Solution I created an app based on this premise. It collectively crowdsources muted word lists and lets you add them to filter your Twitter timeline. I hope to add an extension so it works for Facebook soon too! P.S. I understand if you disagree with the premise of this app. It's a touchy subject and we all have our own ways of dealing with it.
Tom Whatley
@levelsio According to my Facebook feed, everyone is a political expert. Remove that rhetoric and what am I left with? GoT fan theories from HuffPost... 😉 Nice simple solution to a specific problem, as always Pieter. Look forward to checking this out!
André J
@levelsio @kcucchia I always get lost in the Orwellian word list when I see Orwellian slang on the internet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li... @levelsio Also got lost in your blog right now. 😭 DoubleLost
@thetomwhatley GoT is now one of the top terms!
Tom Whatley
@levelsio careful what I wish for, eh?
Marcus Karoumi
Wow. You've made something simple, yet helpful again. All cred to you! How long did it take from idea to launch?
@mkaroumi https://twitter.com/levelsio/sta... 💡 Idea by @tuxcanfly ⏱ 07h08 @ https://twitter.com/tuxcanfly/st... ⌨️ Start code ⏱ 15h16 🏷 Domain ⏱ 16h17 📡 Live ⏱18h39 🚀 Launch @producthunt ⏱ 23h59 --+ 9h from code to launch
Blocking politics is cool, I'm not much of a politico either. But what about the other types of unwanted topics? For example, I'm waiting for all the episodes of GoT to have been aired so I can bingewatch it. How can I use this tool to block out any spoilers?
@fouad_tolaib Sure, you can add Game of Thrones and related keywords here too
Kevin Lou
@levelsio is a product-making machine 😮 Great solution to an interesting problem! Looking forward to trying it out.
Adam Davies
Perfect 👌
Andrey Azimov
Great tool to avoid all politics shit in twitter!
Fyodor Ivanischev
I'd like to not rely on the majority of a website to define what information I shouldn't see. I'd like to handle it myself, as otherwise, it's censorship. That's why I won't use the Bookmarklet button. At the same time, I can pick some words to manually mute from the list, so still useful. P.S. Impressed by the speed you release projects! How are you planning to monetize it?
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Although so quickly executed (key knowledge was already in place and on point) this is the very attitude with which every single app should be thought out and researched BEFORE it gets developed. Even more important than the app itself is the statement you deliver by building something so purpose-driven, worrying about problem-solving the most expensive thing ever: user's time and focus. Well done! Honest congratulations mate. GREAT job. If I may predict the future for the app/extension: geolocation functionality so that users may have their "100 keywords" in their own language, context and region.
Abhinaya Konduru
This is awesome! Is there a way to bulk delete after adding "Top 100" automatically or update the muted list once a week?
@itsabhinaya Not yet but great idea!
Gili Gershonok
*sigh of relief* This is exactly what I needed and didn't have the tech skills to even express as a request. Taking back my feed is really what it is. Up until now I've been manually muting, turning off RTs, unfollowing folks. It's just too much. I wish there was a feature of "Mute 90%" so I don't block it out completely. Thank you!
John Amadeo
@mxgili I love the "Mute 90%" idea! I feel like that would strike a good balance between staying informed and feeling overwhelmed by news
Gili Gershonok
@john_amadeo thanks! it was just a side note but I think it could be a simple and useful upgrade - track the number of mutes, un-mute every 10th item, for example.
Nosherwan Arbab
haha even you guys mentioned Trump as block list example
David Pelayo
Useful bookmarklet. No doubts of that. Although I think it should nicely have word tops depending on the language. In my case, almost 50% of the people I follow are spanish speakers, which makes me wonder also about muting the top 100 words in spanish (meanwhile, I'll do it manually). Would it make sense to analyze also google trends, you think, to mute what is politically and from the media point of view, more annoying? What do you think? Congrats!
John Amadeo
@levelsio great idea! Any chance you'll extend this to Facebook? Seems like it would work great there as well 🙂
@levelsio @john_amadeo Any chance this can be extended to the whole internet?..with all the respect... the internet became mostly about American politics and news these days, for people who live outside the U.S this sometimes sucks..it would be nice for once in the last 24 months to use the internet without hearing about trump did today or why I should hate him or love him..(could care less about his hair, wife, sons, etc)...
Alan Houser
HAHAH! Love the Gif "fake news" ... "trump" I literally had this idea yesterday: https://twitter.com/pixelmelter/...
André J
@levelsio It might be late, but how do I get this mute button to work in Twitter exactly?
@eonpilot Read the explanation on the site!
André J
@levelsio Maybe remove some of the text and make that part stand out. Internet peope cmd + w in 2 nano seconds If they don't immediately get it. I didn't even know twitter had a mute list.
Arpit Choudhury
Genius as usual!
Graham Seymour
I am reminded of one of my favorite Chrome Extensions... https://chrome.google.com/websto...
Very useful tool, and an impressive execution
Jonathan Shafir
Lol! If this works - Sounds Awesome!