atakancelebisoy for Spotify Stats - Check your top songs, albums and artists

Get personalized stats for your music with for Spotify Stats. analyzes your Spotify listening history and shows stats about your music taste. You can discover your top songs, top albums and top artists anytime with

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Download app to get personalized stats for your music taste. Discover your top songs, albums and artists by simply logging in with your Spotify account. Share stats story templates on social media and let other people to rate your music taste!
Anastasiia Stepko
Sorry, but isn't this the same as what Spotify already shares on its own?
@anastasiia_stepko Hello Anastasiia. Our app has very cool Story Stats templates that you can share on social media for your friends to rate your music taste. We are also working on adding new features such as integrating other music platforms.
Matt Litwin
Love this type of stuff as a data loving music nerd. I currently use for this type of data, curious how varies from that?
@matt_litwin Hello Matt. There are some other platforms providing similar services. We believe that our user experience is very good and we offer many different Story Stats formats that you can share on social media.
congratulations atakancelebisoy and berk tosun on launching for spotify stats. it's impressive how it personalizes one's music listening experience. i'm curious, do you have plans to integrate other streaming platforms in the future?
@mashy Hello Albert thank you for your support. We are working on adding other music services such as Apple Music, YouTube Music and Amazon Music. Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.
Kurtis Dane
I’m curious if this will tell me when I first listened to an artist? Is that supported?
@kurtisdane Hello Kurtis. Yes you can see this stats if you make Data Import from your Spotify account.
Kurtis Dane
@atakancelebisoy awesome! I’ll be trying it out. I always like to know when I discovered a good band before my friends. 😆
Matt Fox
Your homepage, the first word is STAST. WTH is Stast? Is that supposed to read STATS and your spellcheck is broken?
@matthew03 Hello Mat. Can you please attach a screenshot? We don't see such a typo mistake. We checked both our website and our app.
Matt Fox
@atakancelebisoy narrow your browser so it’s the mobile version of the homepage, check from your phone. It’s on my phone. I just checked and noticed the desktop is spelled correctly.
@matthew03 Thanks a lot for the feedback. We just saw the bug now. Really appreciate it.
Amy Yan
Fantastic work, for Spotify Stats team! 🌟 The detailed analysis of my Spotify history is exactly what I needed. Looking forward to sharing my music stats with friends.
@amysunyan Hello Amy thank you so much :)
Ghost Kitty
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Tan Ha
Congrats on the launch! Just a note, your logo looks very similar to and wanted to put this on your team's radar just in case.
@tanisacolor Hello Tan thank you so much for your feedback. Actually we were not aware of it. Since we are on the different category, I think it wouldn't be an issue but thank you for mentioning.
David Hartley
This looks awesome love the UI and the design! Excited to track the stats of my music!
@david_hartley4 Hello David thank you so much. Hope you enjoy using our app to track your Spotify stats.
Markus Hofer
congratulations on the launch!
Pruthvi Shetty
Your mobile Hero section has a typo it says "STAST". I'd recommend fixing this. If it were me i would use media queries to change the layout of the desktop hero section instead of hiding/displaying 1 section at a time, helps you avoid bugs like these and keeps your DOM simpler :)
@pruthvishetty Hello Pruthvi. Thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions.