Your personal movie assistant
Kevin William David
Must — Your personal movie assistant

Kevin William David
Must App helps you make a list of movies and TV shows to watch as well as fill up your watched collection. It notifies you about recent trailers and recommends interesting selections.
Jean Friesewinkel
Looks interesting, could the app sync with my IMDB watchlist & watched / rated movies?
Alexey Sekachov
@jeanfw hello, Jean. Yes, you can import your movie library from IMDB using Must website (mustapp.me). Just log in to your account via Facebook, and you'll see the link right below your userpic.
Jp Valery
@alta1r @jeanfw and if you haven't linked your imdb to facebook ?
Eugene Muravjev
@jpvalery You need to link Facebook in the Must App, and then go to the mustapp.me - also through facebook. Then there will be the Import button. From IMDb need only download a file from your collection.
Aziz Firat
Nice! I wish it had trakt.tv support though...
Karthik Sadhasivam
Hi Kevin, Congrats on the launch of new app. Before i download the app to give it a try, wondering why should i download the app, feels more like fandango, imdb, etc... what is the core differentiator?
Eugene Muravjev
@pentak3 Thank you for the right question. The most important thing is different from the movie giants that we solve one problem: very quickly add a movie to your wishlist and see what your friends want to watch. The other services (fandango, imdb, etc) do it very and very difficult.
Simon Bromberg
Any plans for a web version?
Filippo Mursia
Very cool and amazing clean and simple UI!
Wow so much eye candy interactions ! Is it native iOS? I’m running it on ios13 and it’s smooth
Best movie app for ios u have ever used! Great job! Nice design some unnecessary animations but great experience overall!
Eugene Muravjev
@tnsrig Such reviews like this give great strength to work even harder. Thank you!
Stepan Gershuni
so slick
Eugene Muravjev
@sgershuni What exactly? :)
Dima Grebennikov
Looks very impressive! Good work, guys.
Eugene Muravjev
@ma1ish Thanks! What you lack in the application?
Eugene Muravjev
@ma1ish what do you mean?
Dima Grebennikov
@emuravjev sorry, I mean bug, mentioned on telegram. Just misunderstanding with lack term. 🤓. I think will be good checking not only seasons but episodes too
David Feng
Collections is one of the most powerful features here and I'd use it most. Great look and feel. Also realized my friends have horrible taste in movies :P @alta1r @emuravjev
Awesome app, use it all the time! A great feature would be to have a shared list with someone.
Seth Williams
Beautiful app but Facebook connect still not working even after you mentioned fixing it. Love the design though!
Sergey Minkin
Must have must app.
Jesse Williams
@alta1r This is really cool - One of the biggest problems that I always have is figuring out where I can watch the movie / show. Is there any way to integrate a feature that tells you if it's on Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Redbox, HBO?
Alexey Sekachov
@j_r_wi11iams hello, Jesse! Thanks for feedback! Currently we track only iTunes Store, but other services are on our roadmap, and will be available soon :) Do you have any other preferable stores/services?
@alta1r @j_r_wi11iams I'd recommend taking a hint from canistream.it. I never rent/buy from iTunes except as a last resort.
Any plan for Android?
Eugene Muravjev
@keyul yes, i think in march
Really nice! Love the UI. Very smooth and easy to use.
Eugene Muravjev
@thejmoore Thanks!
Mikhail Tugushev
Плюсуем своим! Давно пора тут завести тег Made in Russia :)
Anna Svirelkina
This is awesome)
Eugene Muravjev
@anna_svirelkina Thanks! 🖖
Damien Tsnkff
The UI is absolutely gorgeous. Even though I find the whole app buggy, and the server terrible if not down, the design is a real pleasure. Good luck!
Eugene Muravjev
@tsnkff Now the application works well =)