Wilbert Liu

Mumu X - The most handy emoji picker on macOS, now with GPT-3


Mumu finds your emoji faster with synonyms, so you don’t have to remember the emoji name when searching.

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Alice Rodgers
Upvote for logo! is it Akita-inu or Shiba Inu?
Wilbert Liu
@cn__katie Whichever does make you happy, Katie! πŸ™ƒ Thanks for stopping by..
Alice Rodgers
@wilbertliu So what's the breed? Akita-inu or Shiba Inu?
Wilbert Liu
@cn__katie Both? 😊
Wilbert Liu
Hi Hunters! It's been a year ago since I launched Mumu, the emoji picker for macOS. Since then I saw hundreds of people were using Mumu in their daily workflow. I also got a bunch of feedback, feature requests, etc. A realization that Apple doesn't give a f*ck for their emoji picker – even made it worse by crashing randomly here and there, so that it doesn't work when we need it – had brought me here. Today I'm excited – and nervous too πŸ˜… – to launch the next major version of Mumu, and I call it Mumu X! πŸŽ‰ It's packed with things that give more power to your daily workflow. 🧠 5k+ GPT-3 powered synonyms πŸ€— Personal synonyms πŸ“Œ Emoji bookmark πŸ’₯ Latest emoji support – currently 13.1 πŸ—‚οΈ Emoji groups 🎨 Skin tone changer πŸ—£οΈ Personal accent color πŸŒ“ Light & dark mode ➑️ And many more... And yes, I launched it with a special lifetime deal for you. Some caveats though. πŸŒ„ It only applies today, the launch date 🚧 And it's limited to the first 200 customers Get it real quick before it's gone!
Miyanda Nehwati
Congrats @wilbertliu !! Mumu is my go-to since it launched ast year and I'm delighted to see you taking the headache out of finding the emoji I think I want! The GPT-3 aspect sounds πŸ”₯ can't wait to try it πŸ€“
Wilbert Liu
Thank you @jacarandachick! Really appreciate your kind words here 😊 I still remember how you requested skin tone changer back then. And now it's more diverse, as I could change the skin tone directly on the emoji that I want. Let me know if you have any feedback πŸ™πŸΌ
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@wilbertliu congrats on the launch! I have to say, I'm disappointed that after previously buying Mumu, this update is another $35. The previous app hasn't been updated to support the new emoji and feels like abandonware. Not sure I'm ready to put more money into products that aren't maintained.
Wilbert Liu
Hi @chrismessina, appreciate your feedback here. First of all I'm sorry to make you feel left behind, but let me shade some truths here. The app was actually updated regularly, until some people (including you) requested to support the latest emojis. Back then the architecture was very hard to incorporate these changes, and I was working on workaround here and there, which made the update was slower to ship. If you pay close attention to the app, I've added some newer emojis since the last launch of Mumu last year. I've tried to, but it becomes more impossible by time. And Mumu X is actually the answer of all these messes. I rewrote it from the ground up – so that it's even faster in its window opening, emoji searching, etc – and made sure I pack this with the latest emoji version that I could find. Not only that, I made the synonym search even better with GPT-3 generated synonyms and so on. So I believe the value is worth it for $35. It is cheap if you spend enough time picking emoji in your daily needs. Consider this – let’s say you have to restart your mac every time the emoji picker doesn’t work or have to seek the name of emoji that you want to pick because you can’t find it by synonyms. Put it roughly around 5 minutes. Let’s assume that at least you experience it 3 times a week. That's 15 minutes a week in total, and adds up to 1 hour a month. Now put an average of freelance rate at $50/hour, buying Mumu X at $35 FOR A LIFETIME is totally a steal! I hope that's clear enough for you, Chris. Last but not least, I genuinely hope you could join us onboard. Miss your in-app constructive feedback ❀️
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@wilbertliu thanks for the response. I'm not questioning the value of the product per se, but calling out the feeling that I bought a product that I: 1) expected would be maintained over time 2) would always be updated to support whatever emoji were available at the system level 3) if the app were no longer maintained but a new product was launched to replace it, I would receive some recognition as a previous customer to encourage me to update to the new product Because I've been unsatisfied with Mumu for some time (and sent you several items of feedback without any response), I assumed that the product had been abandoned, which is the case. Instead of taking care of your existing customers' needs, you've moved on and built a replacement, leaving your previous customers with a product that is no longer fit for purpose (at least as the number of emoji continues to grow). Yes, you're offering a $35 LIFETIME offer for Mumu X, but you made the same offer with Mumu and it was not maintained for my lifetime. It became obsolete within six months of purchase. So it's unclear whether you'll do with same thing with Mumu X. Again, I understand and do value the time that you put into Mumu X, but as a customer of Mumu, what I'm asking for is to exchange my Mumu license for a discount on the Mumu X license.
Martin Stellar
Awesome to see you're still developing this terrific tool, Wilbert!
Wilbert Liu
@martin_stellar Well, I can't even go back to the built-in emoji picker. Apple doesn't care about it, so I scratched the itch and hope it would be useful for somebody else.
could you explain the usage of GPT-3 in more detail? The landingpage looks great! the apple vs mumu movie was a bit too fast I think. Especially when showing the emoji's after typing something in the dialog, it's switched away a bit too fast to be able to clearly see the difference. Other than that, good luck with the launch!
Wilbert Liu
Hey @flowen_nl πŸ‘‹πŸΌ The GPT-3 is used to generate more synonyms. Back then the synonyms were generated by hands, but now GPT-3 has made more than I could, which eventually made the emoji finding has more result and more related to what you want to get. Ah, thanks for your feedback about the video. If you want to see it in a slower way, you could play and pause the video above. Appreciate your support, man!
Octavian Codrea
Oh wow, surprised how these aren't default features already. Good job!
Bilal Chaglani
Awesome stuff. This would be more useful on my iOS keyboard, do you have it there?
Wilbert Liu
@bilal_chaglani I had it back then, but not enough people that want to use it, so I shut it down.
Gabe Perez
This is so helpful. I taught my phone to recognize certain words, so hoping I can use the same words now w/ Mumu X. ?makers congrats on the launch!
Gabe Perez
Update: It recognized shaka (πŸ€™ ) immediately, already worth it. Thanks @wilbertliu πŸ™ ...and yes, I used it to input the emojis above.
Sasha Briu
So cute maskot) love it. Actually it is so important for the brand to concentrate the power on certain emogies amount. So audience starts to associate the brand with them.
Stefan Vetter
I am a long time Mumu user and already bought Mumu X. Love it – picks Emoji even easier than the old version thanks to more aliases!
Wilbert Liu
Thanks @stefanvetter! I can't be more grateful to have you onboard πŸ™πŸΌ
I've used this countless times every day for over a year now. Can't recommend enough :)
Wilbert Liu
@ridderingand Thanks Michael! Appreciate it, really.
Ark Fainitsky
trading spell
this is good!!
Andrew Tsao
WOAH game changer. Makes you wonder why this isn't already done by Apple already. A good use-case for utilizing GPT-3 to create something so simple and functional!
Han Shuen Lee
Too bad for a Windows user like me :(
Andrea Di Marco
As a previous Mumu customer I'm quite disappointed by your decision to focus on this new app instead of maintaining Mumu itself: doesn't sound fair and I don't want to support this behavior. Switching to Rocket instead, which works really well πŸ‘‰ https://www.producthunt.com/post...