Milan vd Bovenkamp â™ 

Mr Jump - Addictive indie running jumping game

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Ryan Hoover
I started playing this game last night. I hate it and love it. 😄 Reminds me of
Adam Kazwell
@rrhoover the drama is killing me!
Milan vd Bovenkamp â™ 
A one button classic (makers of Mr Mood, which is personally beautifully brilliant). I like the style and the game mechanics (none existent), just run and tap! :)
tom meagher
This is awesome! But I have no idea how Mr. Flap ( has yet to be hunted -- great game by the 1Button folks too!
Jeremy Zykorie
Played a game called Adventure Beaks over the last 6 months. Reminds me a lot of this. Adventure Beaks was about penguins, and a little higher design, but the simplicity of this looks fantastic. The kids will love it too!