
Firefox Quantum - The newest, fastest version of Firefox yet. 🔥🦊


Firefox Quantum is the newest, fastest version of Firefox yet. Launches November 14, 2017. Available in beta now for all.

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Daniel Fitzpatrick
Am I misinterpreting the video, or does it just show that firefox and chrome are about the same speed with some negligible differences on occasion... Thats fine, if so. Just seems like a weird way to market something.
Sam Ayres
@dancyfits To be honest Chrome has been in a league of it's own for so long, I guess it is boastful advertising to have similar browser render times.
@dancyfits I was thinking the same thing lol, But if its an honest review I guess it matters which one of those sites you use the most to be able to choose which browser works best suited for you
Jonas Gierer
@dancyfits It's about as fast as Chrome, but it's using much less RAM (which isn't mentioned in the video for some reason)
Duarte Martins
@dancyfits I like the honesty. Recently saw a talk by them and they said they expect to see 2-3x speed improvements in the next 18 months or so.
brandon hoe
@dancyfits @duarteosrm Are you referring to Chrome or Firefox?
Ryan Hoover
Direct shots at Google Chrome (see the video). Speed is a top priority for me, but I have so many Chrome Extensions that I don't want to lose. Request for product: Chrome Extension to Firefox Add-On converter.
Jonas Gierer
@rrhoover Firefox Quantum also deprecates the old proprietary Add-On format so the new cross-browser extension format WebExt is now the only way to publish Add-Ons for FF. With that, it's extremely easy to convert Chrome plugins into Firefox Add-Ons. Our previously Chrome-exclusive plugin ( took maybe a few hours to convert and publish to the Firefox Add-On store.
Ryan Hoover
@jgierer12 ahh! Good to know.
Nick Woodhams
@rrhoover @apsops Didn't seem to work for me on gleeBox.
Patrick Bollenbach
Firefox 57 is seriously a gamechanger. It is ridiculously fast + nice sleeping at night knowing that Google isn't stealing absolutely every piece of information about me
@patrickbolle absolutely. I have always use Firefox and moved to Google Chrome a few days back on a friend's suggestions. I am back to using Firefox again with Firefox Quantum. The screenshots tool that comes with Firefox Quantum is my most favorite.
Patrick Bollenbach
@philipyoungg Hahah hello Philip! Stay warm for me, it's cold up here in Canada!
Shahrukh Ahmad
@patrickbolle "nice sleeping at night knowing that Google isn't stealing absolutely every piece of information about me" - This is serious
Sebastian Orozco
As a Chrome user is switching to Firefox worth it?
@sebastian_sco If you are for a more open internet and care about your privacy, yes ;)
@sebastian_sco I've been using the nightly for about a month and a half. It works perfectly fine, blazing fast and amazing devtools. Seriously a big big improvement from the mozilla team.
Duarte Martins
@sebastian_sco Unless you use Chrome-only products, it's a gamechanger imo.
Zach Dubos
Ask search? Really?
If only they had multiple accounts like chrome. I currently have about 26 of my 30+ google accounts loaded in chrome. If Firefox had multiple users with the ease of switching between them I would switch. Also Firefox needs to support HLS video streaming and give up on only supporting OGG.
Alan Williams
@androidlove Multiple accounts are supported
@astropiloto Thank you, switching today! The least amount of data Google receives the better.
Ryan Coleman
@androidlove @astropiloto Can the multi-accounts support separate bookmark groups? I use different chrome profiles depending on my workflow and each has their own set of bookmarks. I'd rather not converge them all into one bar
Fang-Pen Lin
@androidlove Tried Firefox Multi-Account Containers, it works pretty well, but still missing some key features, like per window account session. Pressing CMD + T is always opening a default tab without container. It takes long time to long tap on plus button and select container. It would be nice if this feature can be improved, then it would be perfect!
Ivan Penchev

Have been using it for some time now and migrated everything from Chrome. The Firefox Quantum features a great speed improvement, indeed, and a sleek new UI. (Look at the update below). However, I don't really like that the address and the search bar aren't taking the whole empty space but are rather constricted in the center of the toolbar. This creates some awkward blank space around them and on the right side, it feels like there are several missing toolbar icons. Everything else I've seen about the UI feels great, especially the tabs, the colors and how unobtrusive the new UI is in the browsing experience.

Update: As others have pointed out in the comments, the whitespace around the toobar could be removed and the toolbar icons can be customized so this is not an issue.

It might be me, but I have also observed some issues with pages rendering (the Firefox install I'm currently running is clean from ad-blockers and such plugins). For example, when I open a startup page on BetaList, the main image is never loaded. It might also be a compatibility issue of this particular websites.

I especially like the sync feature and the ability to easily make page (or element) screenshots directly within the browser and without looking for thrid-party extensions.


Speed; UI; Sync; Ability to do page screenshots;


Found several websites which work great on Chrome but have issues with Firefox;

Dorell James
You can change to use the address bar as a search engine and get rid of that search box on the right in Preferences > Search. I'm not sure about your other concern but I think it's fantastic.
Mann Hing
If you right click the tool/search bar section, firefox included whitespace "icons" you can remove that will fix the issue you have with the blank space around the search bar.
Ivan Penchev
@dorelljames, @hingadingaling thanks a lot, so the concern about the white space is out and the ability to customize these icons makes it even better. After several more days of use, if I exclude the rendering issues (which might as well be websites' compatibility issues, not browsers') it feels great.
🔥 @firefox Quantum is finally launching today! I have been using Firefox Quantum for over 1 month now and I am thoroughly impressed - faster performance, doesn't hog on my computer memory, and not to forget the all-new Firefox Screenshots feature available on Firefox Quantum. Don't forget to give it a try when it's available today. 👏
IMO chrome is not just a browser. It’s the whole ecosystem that google has built around it which makes it hard to switch. So even if Firefox is faster it will take more than that to make me switch
Emmanuel Lemor
@arthur_sav There is truth to that but it's not a good ecosystem so I'll take a bit more fragmentation for better everything else...
Mario Daskalov

I have used firefox almost exclusively. Fooled around with chrome for some time but I wasn't happy with the memory usage on my machine. The only thing I missed in firefox was the speed. Chrome used to perform better than firefox but that has changed now!


It is faster than ever.


I am not sure I am into the whole "integrating external services intro the browser".

brandon hoe
That's the reason I don't use Chrome, even though it's speedier than Safari. It's an absolute resource hog. Looking forward to having a speedier alternative to Safari now!
This is actually noticeably faster. I don't think that I'll move from Safari but now I know another good alternative to recommend to people.
yet firefox doesn't give a sh!t about webp images. WTF firefox?
joshua bradley
My experience so far - I don't get all the hoopla over security vs Google - you are still opting to give your info to them + SalesForce + data on places you log into. It isn't like really secure, it is just shifting your data to a new company. It is faster on pre-load but many sites then lag, so you get to the line faster, but are likely still waiting. It seems to be using a lot of memory w only PH open and got my macbook fan going w 80+% of the CPU. 1 site open. This one.
joshua bradley
With the same two sites open (PH + Twitter) on Chrome, Safari 11, Quantum: Safari used the most amount of memory, but the least amount of energy. Chrome highest energy. Quantum the highest CPU usage.
Vignesh Warar
OMG, I switched Chrome to Opera It Seems Like Opera is Great at many things I think Mozilla Should Learn from Opera of course Speed Matters But that one thing doesn't matter with Opera's Stand Alone Features Like opt-out video Player, Inbuilt Messager,etc.I Hate This
Owen Williams
Pretty impressive the work Firefox has done here - love the UX/UI overhaul, and the speed is _very_ apparent. I think it's important not to just measure on RAM/CPU usage but overhaul end-user responsiveness - after using this for the last few days it's incredibly apparent how fast Firefox Quantum is at a) loading pages and b) always being performant in the UI. Big fan!
Ravi Paliwal
I don't know how but it's really fast
Rich Smith

I've been playing with Nightly on and off for the past 6 months and I switched to Firefox Developer Edition as my daily driver whenever it switched over to using the new engine (~2 months ago) just to "try it out".

Two months later and I'm still "trying it out"! It's really that good. It is just a slight but very noticible speed increase and knowing that I'm not giving google allll my data without a bit of a struggle that makes me strongly reccomend it to anyone who will listen.


Memory Usage, Privacy, Speed, UI


Very rare render bugs.

Biggest reason to use Chrome is not only speed. It is also about user experience. Days when You have to keep changing the browsers for different things have gone. It doesn’t matter if I change my devices or get new. One single google sign in get my all data there. Even though I believe every product has its market. Firefox will also but they are too late for the competition.
Product Pearson
it's fast
Anthony Da Mota
I moved from Firefox (after 10 years of using it) to Chrome. Chrome to Opera. Opera to Safari. Now, two years later I'm back on Firefox 🤘