Chris Messina

Compare! 📚 - See the overlap of top founders' recommended books

Top Hunter

Pick two people you admire, see which books they both recommend.

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Richard Reis
Hey Product Hunt! 👋 I'm Richard. One of the founders of Most Recommended Books. Since we already had the reading lists of 400+ really successful people (Gates, Musk, Zuck, etc...) we thought it would be cool if you could pick two of them and see which books they both recommend 🙂 After many iterations, and even more names (Joint, Overlap, Common, Intersection, Venn, etc...) Compare was born! Would love to hear what you think? 😃 P.S.: Thanks @chrismessina for hunting us!
Porush Puri
@chrismessina @richardreeze Wow! This feature is good and fresh. I can easily select next books to read based on idols. Wow! Great One Richard! Congrats on the launch!!!!
Anurag Ramdasan
@porush_puri Thank you Porush! Really glad to see that you're enjoying it. Please do check out the rest of the site and give us your feedback!
Richard Reis
@chrismessina @porush_puri Happy you like it!! Thank you so much, Porush :)
Welly Mulia
Interesting tool. This should save us some time. Thanks.
Anurag Ramdasan
@welly_mulia Thanks so much for checking out our project! We also let users add books and see how they stand against other influencers in terms of recommendations!
Richard Reis
@welly_mulia Thank you, Welly :) Happy you like it!
Nil Tuna
Hi there, it seems really interesting! I was wondering who are these top +400 founders. 🤓 Will definitely check it out. Once I sing up for it, can I also give some recommendations a user, or I just simply need to be one of these founders to do so?
Anurag Ramdasan
@niltuna Hi Nil - Glad you liked the product! You can see the larger list of experts here And yes you can definitely create an account and recommend as users. We'd love to feature you!
Richard Reis
@niltuna Anurag gave you the full list (we add new ones quite often too). Would love to know what you think!
Nathan Svirsky
Great product!
Anurag Ramdasan
@nathansvirsky Thank you Nathan! Really appreciate it.
Richard Reis
@nathansvirsky Thank you so much, Nathan!
Ed Booth
Have subscribed for over 6 months great site to find great books, love it
Anurag Ramdasan
@sled91 Thanks a lot Ed! Means so much to us that you love the product. Is there anything we can do to make it better for you?
Richard Reis
@sled91 🥺 That means a lot... Thank you so much, Ed.
Emilio Meza
Awesome tool! Will def use it when adding our recommendations on Learn Stash. Best of luck!
Anurag Ramdasan
@emilioameza Thanks Emilio. We love Learn Stash!
Richard Reis
@emilioameza Awesome to hear! Thank you, Emilio :)
Ana Clara Otoni
This is awesome! The best type of Tinder out there! Matching brilliant minds! I cannot wait to dig into it!
Richard Reis
@anaotoni Haha! Thank you so much, Ana 🤗
Adam McCann
This is such an original idea, Kudos.
Richard Reis
@assembledadam Would love to take the credit, but this came from our users 😊 And thank you, Adam!
Linnea McLaughlin
Great feature!
This is a great idea!
Richard Reis
@natalap Thank you so much, Natalie! :)
James Quinn
Great way to see some of the commonalities between the best founders!
Richard Reis
@james_afino thanks James! Happy you like it :)
Max Prilutskiy
Great idea! 💯
Richard Reis
@prilutskiy Thanks, Max! 😊 Big fan of Typeform
Ryan Law
Extra-Special Work
Gabriela Navarrete
I love it! A great way to compare how great people think.
Richard Reis
@gabynavarrete Gracias, Gaby! 😊
Brian Hanson
Very impressed :-)
Richard Reis
@brianhanson5 Thanks, Brian 😄
Superdope! Love it
Richard Reis
@ramin Thanks so much, Ramin! 😊
Ian Trimble
I'm excited to try this new feature out. We recently had Richard discuss the making of Most Recommended Books on our show Trust me, you'll want to listen.
Richard Reis
@itrimble Haha, thanks Ian! Had a lot of fun on your show 😄