Jad Limcaco

Mooji - A simple tool to help you keep track of your habits.

Mooji is a tiny tool to help you keep track of your habits. All a habit needs is a name, an emoji and a weekly aim. Then just tick it off as you do it. Pretty simple, huh?

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Jad Limcaco
Pretty nifty and simple way to track your habits and get on a streak. @yoamomonstruos What was your motivation for creating this app?
Tom Bates
@jadlimcaco hey, so couple of reasons really. Firstly, I'm awful at keeping track of my habits. And I wanted to something simple to do it. Secondly, I've wanted to learn functional programming and more backend development, so I decided to learn elixir and kill 2 birds with one stone. I started a course and rather than build the usual blog, todo list, etc that they make in the course, I built this. And lastly, I always start side projects that I never finish. So I gave myself 2 weeks to learn and build something (I took almost 3 weeks but close right). Still needs a lot of design love. The insights it gives aren't up to the right level yet. Thanks for hunting it ✌️
Mariana Reis

Simple & functional UI to sort out simple daily life in a cool way


Simple way of keeping track of habits on the go


Could be more insightful later on!

Khizar Naeem

Tried it on Safari.


Cool concept


Browser freezes every time i want to create a new habit.

Douglas Evaristo

Feliz em ver produtos aqui no PH brasileiros de alta qualidade :) parabens e testarei o produto!




Poderia ter notificação no browser

Yuri Moreno

Nothing innovative but the solution could fit mobile very well.


Simple UI


Track and Manage screen should be integrated on one single interface