Happy to announce that moodcare.help is live and actively looking for feedback and critics. With our product launch we strongly believe, that we redefine what therapy journal is. It's available as pwa and iOS app. Android app is coming soon as well.
Looking forward to hear from you!
@markiol Congratulations on launching on Product Hunter on the same day as us. Your website design is great. I just tried it out and it’s a great record keeping system. Keep it up! ❤️❤️❤️
@aj_123 really glad you enjoyed our product!
It’s essential for our security level, because you need use your own password to have the entires encrypted. We as a company don’t have any access to your data, that’s our main company’s value.
@feliciana_liu thanks a lot! We are trying to make it that way!
For now it’s more like a “single player” app, so we don’t comment on what you experience. Also we don’t differentiate between negative and positive emotions. It’s just an emotion you have for now. But it’s a great insight we may think about implementing such a feedback in some cases!
@markiol This looks like such a thoughtful approach to self-reflection! Love how the structured cards guide you through untangling thoughts, sometimes just breaking things down makes all the difference. I'm curious, If you have figured out any ways to scale this awesome product outside of PH or your close community?
Congrats on the launch & sending you wins :)
(PS: Loved the UI)
@whatshivamdo thanks for your warm words for our project! For now we just started to make some online presence and marketing. We are going to promote it through reels and youtube videos in a little while! But the priority for now is to get some initial feedback in order to make roadmap and secure some funding and investments in the future!
Congrats on the launch, team!
From what I'm able to see it's mostly about capturing emotions and feeling, do you plan to help users with any insights, advice, consultations? Or if you already do I'do love to see that on the product ads as a user :)
@elenb we plan not to interrupt user from their thought process. The vision of our product is more on the educational side. So that, we focus on making it more like DuoLingo in future, but about psychology and personal growth. So, no insight or advices but more modeling situations and telling people about what possible thing they might face.
@busmark_w_nika for now we don't market this at all, only some basic things. We are collecting the initial feedback, so that we can build a roadmap and secure some funding!
The notes on my phone is a mess with thoughts and feelings I jot down each day/week. And it takes me ages compiling them to send to my therapist ahead of our sessions. This is immediately solves a problem for me! Having just downloaded the app I really love how easy it is to get started. I also love the prompts provided "I feel that... I like that... I hate that..." something like this will help keep my entries focused. Congrats on the launch!
Just launched an iOS Journaling app too and it's so cool to see others building in the space!
I think you product has fantastic UI and is a very well-thought out idea.
Would love to see some AI features as @feliciana_liu had mentioned, but I completely get that it's a design decision that you made to not put it in. I oftentimes see products shove AI in anyway they can and makes the app feel fluffy, bloated, and inauthentic.
Great work and I'm inspired by your project.
The smart card system is a brilliant touch, it makes the process feel less overwhelming and more intuitive.Wishing you all the best with growth and user feedback.
Notece Journal
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Notece Journal
Tough Tongue AI
Notece Journal
Notece Journal
Notece Journal
Notece Journal
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Notece Journal
Notece Journal
The smart card system is a brilliant touch, it makes the process feel less overwhelming and more intuitive.Wishing you all the best with growth and user feedback.