
Monte 2.0 - Turn your web app idea into a fully functional business


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Sergiu Finciuc
Hi Product Hunt 👋! 
 We’re excited to be here and share our adventure. 
Our mission is to help aspiring entrepreneurs to start a website-based business with no hassle. We’ve started as a site-builder, but realised that could provide much more value by focusing it on developers and helping other people.

 Some key points where we try to be really different:
 - Workflow, based on tasks, and each task is broken down to several sprints. 1 sprint = 2 hours of development. - Daily Report, get detailed description to ensure the right direction of the development.
 - Monte CMS, the development speed is 4x faster. We’ve validated that for the past 2 months already. True story!

 Either you’re looking for a fixed website, made in up to 2 weeks or an ongoing development support, Monte could be the right fit for you.
 I hope you find it useful. Don’t hesitate to ask us anything!
David Carpe
@sefinciuc great idea, might be helpful to 1/ showcase some work you've done across different levels of complexity to illustrate cost and deliverables, and 2/ showcase a few of the core team members, let us see where they've been and what they've done
Nicholas Smeele
@sefinciuc Awesome product! I think it will help many entrepreneurs to realise their vision with a product. However, I have one question. What if the product is build and I would like to expand my team outside of Monte. Can the Monte workflow be integrated with outside workflows as well? For example, using Slack or so?
Grig Dodon
@nicholas_smeele That's great you asked that. Slack is what we are strongly considering at the moment to integrate in Monte. We think that we'll create a smoother workflow, including what we have atm, and as you said, a wider possibility for teams that want to continue their development outside of Monte.
Grig Dodon
@passingnotes Thanks David! You're right! We're working on it and we'll deliver this information asap. Thanks for valuable feedback! Highly appreciated!
So you are basically a web design agency... Exactly how is this a product? Please explain.
Sergiu Finciuc
@khaliphj There are truly unique advantages like (Monte CMS, Daily Process, Developers as a service) and we don't want to confuse with our messaging. We use Monte CMS - one the most differentiating factors. A product that is fast for developers and easy for clients. More here: Do you think we should focus more on the product?
Knight 
@sefinciuc why not focus on the product and sell the platform to agency ?
Sergiu Finciuc
@imknight That's exactly what we want to do in the next couple of months. It's just a bit harder for us to manage such a big system for ourselves at this stage.
@erickbarron86 Ive also noticed this mostly happens early Saturday/Sunday mornings
Grig Dodon
@erickbarron86 As @sefinciuc stated in the first reply of this comment, we value here the automatized daily process we've built for website development + the Monte CMS, which is used by our developers to create products for our clients (our website has been built using Monte CMS as well). These two factors give us the privilege of being here, on Product Hunt (and no corruption has been involved or something like that.) The product we've built gives the opportunity of a x4 development speed. This factor supports the daily process Monte promotes, which is based on 1 sprint = 2 working hours. More about our product: However, if you're still concerned about something, please feel free to ask us anything. We are working hard to express a clear message about what our startup is about and any feedback will be highly appreciated.
Davis Nunez
Great idea! (And prices too), wishing you the best of lucks. My question is, what if I need a website made on Wordpress, or, a Mobile app, do you guys offer this as well?
Sergiu Finciuc
@_davisnz Perfect question! for now we use only Monte CMS (in-house built) to fit into the 2h sprints. But we certainly have that in our 3-6 months plan. Any individual/agency will be able to register, select their preferred technology and put their own price per sprint. It's a very crucial point for scalability 😎 Thank you
Grig Dodon
Hey Guys! At the moment, we have integrated a built-in chat system that allows everyone of us, including support team, developers, designers, members to plan, kick-start and develop the great ideas of Monte Members. However, we have thought about replacing Slack with the actual chat system we have, keeping the Sprints and main workflow. What do you guys think?
Geoffrey Wiseman
Up to six hours a day for $990/month? Gotta assume offshore developers, 'cause $9/hr would probably not even NA cover students once you throw in overhead? Even assuming many users don't consume the full six hours, it's still a pretty low price (which is great for the customer, as long as they feel they got the value for their money).
Sergiu Finciuc
@geoffreywiseman This is the maximum time of development per day based on available sprints. In Pricing, we try to explain this by mentioning 1 sprint per day, which is 2 hours per day. That'd mean $23.5 per hour, which is still cheap, but great for remote developers looking for stable jobs.
Sergiu Finciuc
Monte has started as a site-builder / CMS, and now we've gotten ourselves providing web development help for idea stage startups. Many of you could've heard about us because of our product, and we'd like to let you know that those plans have not changed. Monte will get going into 2 roads further: 1. Web Infrastructure for individuals & agencies, where they can adapt under our process and make projects for their clients. A stable and a reliable platform, with a daily report to make the process truly transparent for the clients, and Monte will stand as a guarantor, no matter what - we'll back you up! 2. Monte Visual Edition, a site-builder to manage everything by yourself. We learned through our mistakes, with time..and realised, we could try again, and make it much better. Thank you, and let us know if we'll hit the wall again :)
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
I applaud the founders' willingness to reconsider their business model and market here. Without much to go on, I suspect the smallbiz market and a partnership with a high volume producer may be a better fit than startups. It's hard to make bank selling to startups, y'all. Ask me how I know....😂
Sergiu Finciuc
@kkdub You're totally right. Monte CMS is like a factory for smaller websites :D and we focus on bigger projects. That's why we have in our plans to divide these into two businesses. Would love to know more about your expertise, have you encountered any similar situations?
Maanas Bukkuri
I'm still confused as to what problem you are solving. Your slides aren't that clear to me.