Alexander Semerenko

GastroCV - Create great resume in Messenger in few minutes for free

Do you want a better job? Start with a better resume.
Chat with GastroCV chatbot in Messenger to create great resume in 5 minutes for free.
Don't waste time on overdecorated templates. Our CV has clean format and structure, looks good on mobile too.

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Pretty neat. The one issue I found with it when going through is the education portion. I'm currently a college student, but the question asked "what's your highest completed level of education." Technically high school is my highest completed education, but on most resumes its best to indicate that you're going to college. Obviously I can go in and change it myself but as a user it was something worth noting.
Arkady Balaba
@bobakanoosh1_ thanks for the feedback! That totally makes sense. We own the bot flow constructor and can turn the question into optional.
Alexander Semerenko
Hi, we've first launched GastroCV more than a year ago, focusing on cooks and waiters. Since than more than 1400 users have used our chatbot. Today we support all occupations. Please try to create your own resume - takes only 5 mins, and comment how you like it. Resume is in Word format without watermarks. Cheers!