Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

The new Mollie - Clever payment products for great companies of all sizes.

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Adriaan Mol
Hey! 🤗 Today we’re proud to release a completely rebranded Mollie. For those of you who don’t know us: we’re a tech-driven, Dutch payment processor and we’re about to expand to Europe. The past couple of months we completely restructured our products and features, built a new website from scratch, gave it all fresh new design and copy, and completely refactored the whole backend and frontend. We’d love to hear what you think. 😇 Read more about our rebranding over at Medium —
Yvo Schaap
@adriaan_mol Just checked, and my Mollie account is from '05 :) Congrats, relaunch looks great, super snappy UI!
Adriaan Mol
@onnick_jessayan Dank! 🍺
Adriaan Mol
@yvoschaap Super nice 🙏🏼
Jesse de Boer
@adriaan_mol ik was al benieuwd of er meer zou volgen na het nieuwe dashboard. Het ziet er nu super en een stuk frisser ogend uit, ga er snel weer mee aan de slag!
Wow, that's a nice change. Well done! I was just looking at your old site a few days ago.
@dubstrike thanks! Glad you liked it 😎
Adriaan Mol
@dubstrike Thanks Wojtek!
Renjith Ramachandran
Tried Mollie some months back for our startup. Not so friendly to startups , lost some money too during onboarding process. Bad customer service too.. Hope this will be improved too with new logo and redesign :)
Hoang Pham
@renjith_ramachandran that's unfortunate to hear. Would you be able to let me know what stopped you from onboarding? I'd love to hear your story. You can email me at
Love the logo and animation on the homepage. Great work!
@maketoire Thanks! 🙌🏻
Bram Jetten
Really like the rebranded Mollie. Always a joy to work with your API. Great job!
@bramjetten Thanks man!
Naseem Raad
Really interested in using this over Stripe! Can you by any chance implement a demo on the site so you can test it out and see how it feels? Also, when using this internationally, such as the U.S. then when we want the cash withdrawn, we will get them in Euros right? And therefore have to pay a conversion rate to withdraw it in USD.
Hoang Pham
@naseem_raad great questions, and we hope you do give our product a try. You can create an account and play around with test payments immediately. If you’d like to actually receive payments, our localised, European payment methods are available in the US. Our payouts are in Euros, your bank will probably convert them to USD, for which you’ll probably pay your bank’s conversion rate.
Abhinav Srivastava
The website looks great! Brings out a lot of trust and reliability.
Huub Gelissen
@abhinavvv Thanks! That's exactly what we were trying to do.
Jens Kanis
Great release guys, congratulations. My only problem with the Mollie API is that authentication token acquired through Oauth have an expiration time of 1 hour! APIs like stripe have no expiration on their tokens, which is the standard.
Robbert Schreuder Hes
@jenskanis Thanks for your feedback Jens. We agree these security measures have not proven to be developer friendly at all. We're reconsidering what the limits on these tokens should be to balance security and usefulness.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Gorgeous landing page!
@chrismessina thank you! 😘
Jesse Degger
I've used Mollie on and off for years now and integrated in more than one system. The new website looks really good guys! Keep up the good work. My only problem with Mollie versus other PSPs is that the Mollie API is bit hard to use. For example recurring payments do not show up in the test environment. It would be awesome if the testing environment was way more elaborate. Also the customer support could still be improved. The fastest way for me to get a response was sending a tweet. It would have been awesome if I could just have live support at all times. Something that is a bit expected from a PSP in my opinion.
Robbert Schreuder Hes
@jdegger Thanks Jesse. The test environment is indeed lacking support for recent additions to our API endpoints and for recurring payment flows. We're looking into improving our test environment in the upcoming year to solve these issues. We're working on improving the response times of our customer support department as well. We expect to make great improvements there in the upcoming year as well. Thanks again for taking your time to share your thoughts.
Erik Benjamin van der Meulen
Jammer, ik was altijd erg gecharmeerd van jullie inmiddels oude (huis)stijl. Minder onderscheidend imho en 13 in een dozijn. Site wel lekker fris! Succes :-)
Kasper Dolk
congrats on the rebranding guys! ✨
@kasperdolk Thanks dude 😘
Huub Gelissen
@kasperdolk Thanks man!
Fred Carlsen
Looking good!
Huub Gelissen
@sjelfull Thanks!