Adriaan Mol

Mollie Checkout - A modern payment checkout with local payment methods


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We're a payments company based in Amsterdam. Because we really care about customer experience we're working on several new products. Here is a preview of the new 'checkout' which we released last week. Mollie checkout provides you with an easy to implement, user-friendly and beautiful way to pay.
Thanks @jpknegtel :)
Stef Lewandowski
@gielcobben Hi, I got a fair way into the onboarding process and then it says "You have to be registered with your local chamber of commerce". That's pretty odd. Is that a translation issue, or do you really need me to join one to use your service? Here's my local chamber of commerce website (!)
Rene Pot
Totally great service and great experience with the company. They have a great portal and provide a wordpress module for free too.
@wraldpyk Thanks for the kind words :) Go to to see all modules, including the Wordpress modules.
Remmelt van Tol
Awesome guys! Big fan of Mollie ❤️
Ilyas Hassani
I jut Signup but the web won't show English Dashboard for me :(
@ilyashassani Hi Ilyas, I've just sent you an email to check out our multi-lingual Dashboard (currently in beta). If you need personal help with setting up your merchant account, feel free to contact me. :)
Loris Maz
Are US companies supported? I created an account but the whole website is set in Dutch and can't find how to switch to English
@lorismaz Email sent! :) Feel free to DM me for questions.
Anant Garg
Which countries do you support (for merchants)?
Adriaan Mol
@anant_garg Currently we're focussing on the European market. But we're also processing a lot for US companies that need local payment methods here in Europe.
Ju Hae Lee
This is one of the best UI's I've seen in a while. Awesome home page!
Joost Moerenburg
indeed well done! love the iDeal support
Bernardt Vogel
Does Mollie work for Nicaragua?
@bernardtjvogel Currently we're focussing on the European market. But we're also processing a lot for US companies that need local payment methods here in Europe.
Chris Halada
Is it like Gumroad so I can add it to a site without having to write code? Thanks!
Robbert Schreuder Hes
@chrishalada Yes, you can easily integrate Mollie on all popular e-commerce platforms by using freely available plugins:
@gielcobben One thing I could not find anywhere on showcase page is how do you pay out anything that goes through Mollie? To PayPal? Stripe? P.S. When I signed in to the dashboard, the default language wasn't English ;p
@famouslabs We pay via IBAN in Europe. Payment outside Europe goes through international bank transfers.