Hey, hunters! 👋
Happy to introduce our first product - Module!
We interacted with a lot of ready UI kits, but they are all difficult to use.
If appeared a task to customize a component, the easiest way was to create a new one by ourselves. Сolor styles consisted of all rainbow colors in dozens of shades.
So, we decided to create a really simple in-use design system for Figma.
Module! Drag'n'drop ready components from only three tabs: icons, components, and spacings. Configure by variants, customize in scale by several clicks.
You can change the corner radius for all buttons in two clicks, change all fields from outline to solid in five clicks.
For what
Suitable for any design – from simple landing to complex interfaces. Save time and money making a pixel-perfect design fast.
For who
It's for designers, developers, managers, and everyone who interacts with a design. If you're a newbie in Figma, we prepared the video tutorial for you.
Save 15% with a special discount: hunter
@michaelmartin Thanks for your question!
Initially, we planned to create both versions, and we started to do.
We tried to make them separately, without converting the Sketch file into Figma. But we couldn't repeat the implementation, which Figma allowed fully.
Now we support the Figma version only.
Free Icons
Free Icons
Free Icons
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Free Icons
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