Spent several minutes signing up and answering questions involving style and design preferences only to be led to a page requesting payment for various packages (prices range from $100 to $2000). Never got to the virtual design options. This looks like a funnel to take cash more than a Google lab experiment.
Excited to see Modsy launch! I worked with @ShannaWP at Google and remember when she first pitched me this idea. Using the phone's camera and sensors allows Modsy to analyze your space and then position 3D furniture in it... an excellent application of augmented reality coming out of a Google Ventures alumna!
Here's more about Modsy: Why are we designing our homes in the dark?
Apparently my style is "Industrial Visionary": You're drawn to rooms that present an illustrative history, in a spare, crisp setting. Non-fussy iconic furniture ranging from classic shop pieces to Bauhaus favorites ring your bell, especially in a space with open architecture and exposed construction. Industrial Visionary combines Industrial and Minimalist with a touch of Rustic.
Oh, and here's $20 off your first order: MODSYINSIDER.
For those looking for a preview, check out this article in Business Insider: http://www.businessinsider.com/m...@ShannaWP, how much of the work of the initial rendering is done by humans? I'm presuming that's why there's no "free demo." The results look very impressive.
@wwwdonohue A combo of tech but in the early days it requires human time to check, clean up and ensure things are smooth. Correct that this is why there is no preview ability for your own space before buying a package, I wish we could! We can share previews of other spaces however. Here is an example studio of my space in case it's helpful! https://www.modsy.com/space-view...
@arturkiulian hi we're working on making this more automated. At the moment we can do this but it would be a custom project fee since it requires some hands on work.
@shannawp I'm sorry but I feel like you should expose more functionality before user pays, I've actually paid but don't have any pictures right now and won't probably have in the next year or so. is it possible to get a refund? thanks!
This sounds like a great product. Too bad I can't test it quickly to see if it's actually working. Furthermore, I think that a demonstration video is much needed.
Great product, and I agree it needs a demo video and a few more samples. I'm most impressed with the photo realistic furniture renderings, I work in real estate marketing and I don't think I've ever seen better!
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