Mode Analytics is easy to use and just got even better with Definitions by simplifying complex SQL queries. Helping get to your data in an easier way while saving tons of time. Worth a look if you or people on your team as using SQL in the process of making data-informed decisions.
@hnshah Thanks for hunting!
At Mode, we’ve always believed that the best way to speed up analysis is to make it so analysts don’t have to write the same thing over and over again. We built definitions to help alleviate this pain, but in doing so found even greater utility elsewhere. Storing commonly-used logic in centralized definitions means you don’t have to update a ton of reports if something in the database changes; just update the definition. It also means that folks who aren’t regular SQL users have a lower hurdle to being effective — fewer complex joins or weird nuances to learn.
We really see this as a feature that will enable people beyond analytics teams — so much so that we’re releasing it alongside several other features geared toward making data accessible to every team in your company. If you’re curious about the other stuff, you can read about it on our blog:
We’re really proud of this release and are excited to get some feedback from the PH community. I’ll be on here all day to answer your questions.
@rbessuges They’re similar, but rather than storing the logic in the database, we store it in Mode. The advantage to this is that it’s easy for anyone to see the logic in any given definition. It also makes it possible to sort reports and dashboards based on the definitions they reference (coming very soon). You could use this to see which reports will be affected before changing a definition, or you could easily check to see whether the report you’re about to build has already been created by someone else. I should note that Materialized Views are somewhat different in that their results are cached in the database, effectively appearing the same as standard database tables. Mode Definitions do not write back to the database.
Mode Analytics
Mode Analytics
Mode Analytics