@liquidchickenqq Hey Kerry! Yes, they work great in group chat.
Yesterday several people suggested the ability to make their own phoneys. And at first, I thought it was a GREAT idea. But, one of the things I worked hard on with the current sticker pack was keeping them very positive and light-hearted to prevent abuse. I didn't want anything in the sticker pack that could be used to offend or make people uncomfortable.
After thinking about it a lot, I've decided that letting people write whatever they wanted would create a lot of possibilities for abuse. So I'm not going to do it :/
@maximumhq Man, tell me about it. I feel bad, but well over half of those reviews are people not able to wrap their heads around the simple fact that if you put one of the stickers over top of someone's gray text on YOUR phone, that doing that will make it show up over top of the blue text of the receiver on THEIR phone. I'm not sure there's anything I could do within the confines of a sticker pack to fix that fundamental misunderstanding of the joke.
@ahow@maximumhq I think this is the common conundrum of users using the app, vs developers making the app. It's about making sure they don't go down the wrong path in the first place.
@andreas_dias Yea that's my concern too although some of the reviews were unreliable. People think that the colors are wrong and bubble direction inverted but it's actually correct. It needs to be inverted. Not sure about the text at the bottom though and the size of image and font. That would be a giveaway.
@a_patil@andreas_dias - that's right. The thing is, it looks incorrect on your side but it will look correct on the other person's side. People don't get how iMessages work.
Such a great concept, but when I tried it, it sent to the wrong side - didn't work. I probably did something wrong, but it wasn't what I was hoping for :-(
@ramykhuffash Ramy, you're not the only one! Make sure you're using them like stickers, so actually "peeling" them off, and then dragging them to cover the entirety of the other personβs text. If you're just tapping and sending, it will send no the right side and not look right.
This is very ingenious people!! Maybe as a feedback, I would say if you can make it so that the fake message deletes itself after a "while" or X number of messages sent afterwards that could be good so you have the actual conversation history too because what if you are trying to remember what was in that specific bubble? just a thought. At least some way to reverse it in case you need the original text back.
@cemedericarak Thanks Cem! If you tap the "i" in the top right of iMessage, you'll see all the Images in that conversation. You can then long tap on any sticker you want and delete it. Hope that's helpful!
Hey guys...this is a pretty funny idea but I am confused with the sizing of the bubbles. They dont match realistic the size of natural text bubbles for 1 and 2 line messages.. You have several 2 line stickers that are half the width of a normal 2 line text message. it looks really awkward. Here is an example: https://cl.ly/0e351a2g3X2d Am I doing something wrong??
@callmethebear Hey Adam! I tweeted this the other day to try and help explain: https://twitter.com/ahow/status/.... Basically: stickers are square, iMessage chat bubbles are not. So Phoneys works best on short texts, so you can cover them up 100%.
There's also this new way of using them that I discovered today: https://twitter.com/ahow/status/....
Hope that helps!
Have been trying to purchase this the last few days. App is still showing in app store au but only today it advised this item is no longer available. :(
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