Ditch the capture cards and stream keys.
Jack Dweck

Mobcrush — Livestreaming platform for mobile gamers


Mobcrush is livestreaming platform and community for mobile gamers.

Jack Dweck
Last week Mobcrush was featured on-stage at WWDC: When iOS 10 comes out this fall, developers will be able to integrate livestreaming into their games and Mobcrush will be one of the first places you'll be able to stream to. Today it officially launches worldwide with apps on iOS, Mac, Android and Windows.
Victor Manrique
@jackdweck I used it for a while to see Vainglory games and it's a great app. Happy to see they are moving forward.
Ryan Hoover
@jackdweck another addition to your Twitch for X collection.
Will Jamieson
@jackdweck also supports the same capabilities, but at a much lower latency (1 sec) and allows streaming at a much higher quality.
Eric Diepeveen
Cool stuff. Congrats on the 🚀
Justin Bauer
Used this during the early beta. Great product that is going to go far and spur some great things.