PE Lieb

Movie Bot - Movie Bot helps you to find movies when you're out of ideas!

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why the popcorntime logo?
@nickisnoble man i hate it when people just steal other people's logos. I know an organization in EVS field (european voluntary service, a great program similar to erasmus) who has the logo of SLACK! yes! the exact logo of slack, they just right clicked the logo image, saved it and uploaded it as their logo. i mean. can't you at least somehow make a black box on paint and write your name on it and make it your logo? or use something like withoomph at least. it's just so low.
Sven van der Zee
Familiar logo
Şamil Karahisar
I really don't like it. the maker says "Something that also bring value is the fact that you can express yourself using natural language", I am sorry to say but I just had this conversation with your bot: Movie Bot: What genre of movies do you like? Me:Interstellar Movie Bot :What genre of movies do you like? Me: ScienceFiction Movie Bot :What genre of movies do you like? Me: I swear to god ask that one more time and I will cut your power off ... Movie Bot: What genre of movies do you like? Me: Science fiction Movie Bot: What year of release? -finally, he could understand me. Your bot isn't even smart emough to understand that ScienceFiction = Science fiction. You can do better than that. Edit: the conversation I had ended up like this: MB: What year of release? me: This year Movie Bot: Currently this functionality is not available Can't help you with that request at this moment ! Ask me something like "Can you show me some adventure movies released in 2016 in english?"
PE Lieb
@samilkarahisar sorry it didn't work out for you, just tried it and worked for me, can you try again ? The idea is that we need to guide the user in order to set the scope of the bot, but once you understood how it works you don't need to go through the quick replies you can just ask straight for an answer :)
Şamil Karahisar
@pedward_lieb so you are trying to adapt the user to the bot instead of adapting the bot to the user. I don't think that's the way to go in the long term. I am going to try again tho.
Şamil Karahisar
@pedward_lieb me: hey (I had to engage the conversation) Movie Bot : Hi 👋 What are you looking for ? 🎥 me: A movie similar to Interstellar Movie Bot : Currently this functionality is not available Can't help you with that request at this moment ! Ask me something like "Can you show me some adventure movies released in 2016 in english?" Facepalm.
PE Lieb
@samilkarahisar sorry it didn't work out for you, we'll continue to improve the bot with your feedback :)
Nathan Grasset
Hello @samilkarahisar ! Thanks to your feedback we implemented this feature, it's already live on the bot. I hope you'll like our tool a little better :) This was just a side project that we did over a week-end, but we are really happy if other people find it useful, I would love to hear if you have other ideas in mind!
PE Lieb
Hello guys, we built this bot for fun and just released it :) It is meant to help you when you're out of ideas when wandering on Netflix at night. The code of the bot is open source if you want to see how this one works you can check the repository here : Hope you'll like it !
J Marciniak
Congratulations to the makers, the following criticism is not directed towards you or your product, I just don't get the bot hype... ...what is the value? It asks me the same filter categories that I can set on any movie database site just takes way longer...then it spits out some random movies (just like in a db site). Is it the interaction?
PE Lieb
@jrmarciniak I guess the idea is to provide the same service on the fly, very easily especially as you don't have to download an app. Something that also bring value is the fact that you can express yourself using natural language (i.e : Show me some drama movies released in 2015 in english) which is simpler than filling some fields on a website :)
Josse Blais
Soooo coool ! I need some new idea :D
Movie Showdown
Love the idea! Great job!
Ivan Diaz
Niceeeee. It worked for me smoothly. Nice conversation and really nice feedback from the bit. I will use it very often! Thinking about launching an app? linking it to nerflix or any other movie source?
PE Lieb
@ivan_diaz Thanks a lot Ivan :) Currently we were just thinking of a bot, but who knows ! Regarding linking the app to Netflix, that's a good idea we'll have a lot into this :)
For years I have wanted Netflix to have a roll the dice feature where I just watch whatever it randomly picks for me. This might be a step in the right direction
PE Lieb
@bryan_o85 thanks Bryan, we’ll try to improve the bit over time :)
Ben Greenwood
I guess the maker needed a bot for logo ideas. 😂
Joe Grech @ Chiliz
I do love the idea, however, after receiving a suggestion to watch 'Sharknado' as a comedy film, I was rather put off...
Alberto Chierici

The bot does not answer simple questions, and when you select a pre-filled quick reply, it tells you "I don't know that...". Is this still maintained? I don't understand...


Nothing - I could not query it because it does not understand anything


It does not fulfil its goal