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Chris Messina
Dominos Bot for Messenger — Order a pizza from Domino's Pizza, right from Messenger
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Order pizza with a bot. Is this not the future we were promised?? Is this not what humanity has been aspiring towards since the dawn of the enlightenment?!
Pascal Andy
@chrismessina what's your point. Some business area shoud not use available tools ? It's not because this is not mind blowing that it deserves a punch in the face. I would be happy to use a bot with the few local restaurant I enjoy. Peace
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@_pascalandy I was being facetious. Of course I think it's cool to be asked to order 🍕 via a bot!
Steven Hambleton
I'll stick with their app.
But would Papa bless? @h3h3productions @papajohns @dominos
Brody Berson
I love that Dominos keeps trying to push the limits of all the different ways you can order a pizza. I hacked an Amazon Dash button last year using a node wrapper on their API: and then made an AWS Lamba version for the AWS IoT buttons... I just wish that Dominos would open up their API (especially access to a user's Pizza Profile) to allow more people to play around and see what they can come up with and acknowledge their creations instead of just making a Flic version of my idea and marketing as their own (that's how I took it, but it could have easily been in development before I released my "hack").
Carlos Delgado
First fail in UX with bots. The bot opens a new window to log in. At future Facebook should allow some utilites to write a pass in a conversation (and delete it after few seconds). Because what is the point of bots if we have to still use webs?
Corey O
@carlosdece In the newest messenger release, they allow mini-webviews that look more like they are part of the messenger app.
Shane Gau
I have added this bot to my bot directory:
Mosco Murey
At BiasharaBot.Com we help restaurants to provide awesome experience when their clients are ordering meals. We do this by providing chatbots which can take the order. Try our demo bot Foodie Bot ( to see the experience we are trying to bring to restaurants
Paweł Kacprzak
Was it a requirement that in order to use the bot one should sign in to his Pizza Profile? For me a great advantage of a bot is the ability to take orders extremely fast and without any unnecessary actions.