MOB: Mother Of all Bots
Explore chatbot/conversational AI platforms with a bot
Ben Tossell

CryptoBot — Track all the latest tokens, ICOs and cryptocurrency news

Ben Tossell
With the surge of Cryptocurrency news and chatter out there I thought I'd do what I usually do to learn about it more - build something I built this SUPER simple bot (which is FAR from perfect) to do a few things - Track tokens and ICOs - Be a news aggregator - subscribe to the above I'm sure theres a load of things that I need to tweak but for now it does the job. You can subscribe to the feeds too. Sources include Token Market and Cryptscout (I did have the crypto market prices but the RSS feed kept fucking up and looking terrible on the bot so I've taken it off)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@bentossell Bot Tossell is at it again!
Ravi Vadrevu
I was just searching for this to check if someone did it. Like the concept, but I would simplify the content consumption navigation as the slideshow is too distracting.
Ben Tossell
@raviformative yeh nothing I can do there as its the template for the RSS feed in chatfuel. I don't tweak any code (because I've no idea how) so this ugly looking thing will have to do for now :)
Ravi Vadrevu
@bentossell haha, serves the purpose for me :)
Ben Tossell
@raviformative haha yeh me too. I'm sure someone will make a better and prettier one. For now MVP will do
Phil Hudson
Scheduled notifications for prices would be awesome :) It would mean I can stop checking Coinbase every 30 minutes.. lol
Алексей П
Well it is definitely one of my favorite bots, I even add it to my own list of cryptocurrency bot
Nice one, I built something similar for iOS
Ben Tossell
@martagonz well I'm sure its way better than this! Post it :)
Daniel Ehevich
@bentossell Apparently I've created a similar bot: CryptoHawk, Great minds think a like.
Marko Korevec
You forgot to edit the default message when users input anything :)
Ben Tossell
@mkorevec STOP TALKING TO MY BOT!!!! Strictly button pressing only haha Will change.
Pavlo Pedenko
Maybe one day I will finally get a thing about all this crypto hype :) Got my vote!
Thack ☁️
I love you, Ben, for your colourful and expressive language. My kinda genius.
Michelle Grant
Awesome idea!
Dailius J. Harber
Good job!
Constantine Ftwin