@fbara If you click that button, the animations all work just as they would on the desktop site and nothing bleeds over. But as Suhail pointed out, full mobile optimization would have taken double the engineering and design time, which is a lot to spend on a splash page.
@malectro I'm not convinced about that. I've set websites that include free mobile optimization. Sites on PH, including Launchkit.io can do free launch pages and they include free mobile optimization.
@fbara Interesting. I hadn't seen launchkit before, but it looks like it restricts you to 9 templates and wouldn't have allowed us to do the demo animations. I suppose there's a tradeoff between speed and customization.
Hey everyone! We think tracking actions instead of downloads or installs is a better way to do analytics. Codeless mobile analytics makes tracking the actions people take in your app much easier since you don't have to add multiple lines of code to every little button or swipe. Instead, you just use our visual editor in the browser to point and click what things you want to measure. And the best part is that you don't have to re-deploy to the appstore to see the analytics.
@Suhail Any change this will also be implemented for tracking websites? Have been using this feature for a while now and it rocks! Especially because my clients can now create their own events, without having to submit new versions to the App Store every time.
@timanrebel Yes, that's coming. We're mobile first and so we tend to prioritize building everything for mobile apps and then eventually do the web stuff.