Liz Wessel, CEO and Co-founder of WayUp, leads us into battle with fierce values and inspiring stories about a team fighting to democratize hiring for students and employers.
Hello, PodHunters!
This was a fun interview for me - normally I get an hour to ask amazing CEO/Founders questions, but we had to record this episode in 30mins! 😬 Luckily, @lizwessel is super smart, on-point, and full of great insights and stories, so she rocked it and I love how much we covered.
WayUp's mission and vision are already inspiring, but they don't stop there - listen to learn about teammates making a difference with causes beyond democratizing hiring. It's a great peek behind-the-scenes at what it's like to work at a 🚀 startup and full of ideas for leaders + managers, so please give it a listen and lmk what you think!
ICYMI Liz did an excellent PH LIVE where some company culture questions came up:
Our mission is to connect college students with awesome opportunities. Our vision is to democratize the hiring process for students and employers alike.
WayUp is the largest online marketplace for students and recent graduates to find jobs and internships.
What Liz learned about culture at Google (user focus + employee growth)
Finding the right time to develop values
How the founders’ extraordinary work habits effect the team
How they think about, and the state of, diversity within the team
A great outcome resulting from an employee sending a cold email
Supporting employee initiatives that make a difference beyond the company mission
Employer tips for hiring (ask more questions, show requirements as preferred qualifications)
Employee tip: apply multiple times if you are rejected for a job you really want
What Liz learned from her most painful public failure during Google India’s equivalent of Cyber Monday
See the full show notes with handy links and more:
Product Hunt