Arnaud MARIE

Misakey 1.0 - Send encrypted documents & messages to anyone


The professional way to send encrypted documents and messages to anyone:
- Store valuable documents
- Discuss with end-to-end encryption
- Delete data everywhere, for everyone
- Share easily to anyone - no app, no account for invitees
Code: ProductHuntRocks

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Arthur@ Misakey -we're live ⚡️
Hello Hunters, I'm excited to share this 1.0 of Misakey with the Product Hunt community. We’re a bunch of frenchies 🇫🇷 working to make the internet a more fun and secure place. Our goal is to bring state-of-the-art account security to any app or service online though : 🆔 The most simple SSO ever 🙋🏽 User-centric data management 🔒 End-to-end encryption for all data exchanged Please comment when was the last time you had a good experience creating a user account 👇 The best first step seemed to be making Misakey 1.0 the simplest way to send encrypted messages and documents to anyone 🤝 (Feedbacks on this strategy are also much welcome) I’m looking forward to reading your comments. Arthur, CEO@Misakey By the way : the invitation code is : ProductHuntRocks
Arnaud MARIE
Hey guys, we are thrilled to have you on-board. I'm Arnaud, I'm working on the product, the community and our growth. My job is to ensure our product is useful and creates values for you! What do you think of it so far? It took us 1.5 years with 8 engineers to develop (yes end-to-end encryption takes a while) :) I'm also identifying for whom it might be best suited for. But as all insiders, I am biased :/ Do you have any ideas which kind of users might be best? Apart from tech-savy buddies, we were thinking of elite profession (lawyers, accountant, etc.). Thank you so much for your help and your willingness! PS: I love to help out people, so feel free to ask me anything ;)
Fabien Fournier
And don't forget to use your special code: ProductHuntRocks
Eike Post
Hello Arthur, just read your message on mydata forum and came to support you guys here. It is a great initiative. However, when you explained the vision of MisAKey in StartupBooster: I got the idea that you would give us control of our personal data, a bigger vision then what you came out with.
Arthur@ Misakey -we're live ⚡️
@eike_post Hi Eike, Thanks for the support and feedback. The mission is still to give the user control over his personal data with a single account to store, connect and control access to personal data. We focused the launch of 1.0 on making technology usable for interactions between individuals and people in companies. The next step is to setup the APIs for companies to plug Misakey with their IT and make it usable for interactions between individuals and any online services.
Eike Post
@arthur_blanchon Great. You original vision is very much needed. There have been tons of initiatives with similar visions, such as but none has been able to get any traction for a data locker and data dashboard of all data. Hope you are more succesful!
Jerry C
This is great timing with Firefox Send shutting down.
Fabien Fournier
@jrc Haha, we have a good sense of timing at Misakey! :)
Arnaud MARIE
@jrc I didn't even realize... Do you have a clue why? They say its to focus on the product (which I understand), but it's still feel weird...
Cédric Van Rompay
Hi, Cédric Van Rompay here, software developer in charge of cryptography (~ encryption) and security at Misakey. Hoping you'll enjoy what should be the encrypted chat app with the smoothest user experience: no install, no phone number required ... you don't even have to create an account to be invited to a chat room! But this is just the beginning: Misakey aims at becoming a complete solution for the management of all your personal information, pushing further the use of end-to-end encryption to everyday applications. For a glimpse of the technical details and the story of our end-to-end encryption protocol, have a look at the cryptography white paper we just published:
Arnaud MARIE
After identifying this, I'm seeking how to reach Product-Market fit. - When we'll have identified our users, I need to know which features we should develop. I've short-listed some of them, which one do you think is most relevant? Do you have any alternative ideas? Protection features: - Read-only documents (non-downloadable) - Block Screenshot documents (both inside the hardware and outside aka with a camera) - Short-lived messages and/or documents Companies features: - Customizable UI for companies - Full integration to each of your tools Personal features: - One-click share (mobile) - Browser plug-in Your help is endlessly valuable, thank you!!
Antoine Tocquer
Congrats for the launch! 👏🏻 Which integrations do you consider building after gmail?
Fabien Fournier
@antoinetoc Thanks! Our next step would probably be an API to integrate easily Misakey. Do you have any ideas for tools that you use every day that you would like to encrypt?
Lee Brown
This is awesome! So glad to see someone still working to make the communication space better and easier. 🤘
Fabien Fournier
@fallingup79 Thanks Lee! I am really happy to read this. We are working really hard to give the user control over his data.
Patrick Lu
I keep getting stuck trying to secure my account -- stuck on the LOADING screen
Antoine @Misakey - We're Live!
@patrick_lu We are really sorry for this problem. We cannot find any information about an error in our logs, did you finally manage to access the application?
Hey everyone, I'm Nicolas and I'm working on this project as a backend developer since one year and a half. I hope people will find with time more interest about protecting the data they own, belonging to themselves and to others. We are working hard to make it possible in the simplest way we do currently imagine =) If you are sensible about raising awareness about data privacy and protection, thanks to share this project or any other that help the cause.
Fabien Fournier
Hi Product Hunters! 👋 My name is Fabien, Product Manager at Misakey! We're preparing this launch since a long time... What a relief to finally share our work with you. 😃 We are working really hard to make our app better day by day! Non-downloadable files, short-lived messages, integration in your usual tools, advanced user management, multi-identities... We have so many ideas! For you, what's should be the next feature? Can't wait to have your feedback
Hi, Awesome product. I have discovered something that shouldn't be happening and would like to disclose it. How shall I securely deliver it to you? Can you drop me a mail where we can communicate?
Arnaud MARIE
@0xrudra Hi Rahul, thank you for being involved! Insight from users are endlessly valuable! I would like very much to know it and discuss with you. Sure you can drop me email at and alternatively, we can communicate on a secure channel (but I don't want to share the link here publicly)
Thomas Pons
Good work !!
Arnaud MARIE
@thomas_pons Thank you Thomas, your continuous new creations are as well!
Victor Vatus
Arnaud MARIE
@victor_vatus Thank you Victor! We really hope people will start to protect themselves over the internet with UX-friendly and free alternative :)
The idea seems great! I like privacy-focused products, bravo l'équipe !
Arnaud MARIE
@clo__s Thank you Clo! We're trying our best to protect citizen and make them aware of UX-friendly solution to protect themselves!