Aubrey Johnson

Mines - A modern take on Minesweeper


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Lee Simpson
You can pay 0.99 to remove the timer but it still has pop-up videos adds?! Lame.
Michael Jones
@itsleesimpson We are fixing this!
James Brooks
I like this, but several times I've landed directly on a mine in my first go - I don't remember this happening in the Windows version?
Jenny Shen
@jbrooksuk It's happened to me before in the Windows version, not very often though.
Michael Jones
@jbrooksuk I think you may just be unlucky
Jenny Shen
Wow, I can't believe someone did's my childhood game! :P One comment is that you might wanna make it clear that classic costs money. e.g. Yes Buy for $0.99 on unlock classic mode dialog
Michael Jones
@jennyshen Agreed - we are fixing this
Taylor Hughes
Looks awesome. I am a huge fan of Minesweeper and implemented my own awhile back because the implementations I could find were pretty lousy. @jbrooksuk I disliked that aspect of Minesweeper so much that my version exposes the outermost layer of mine counts, so you don't have to start off the game by guessing and possibly dying instantly. :) Might be a nice feature to implement in this version as well. Mine is open source: — and in the App Store here: