Chris Messina

Mindset 2.0 - Retrain your subconscious. Hypnosis app for skeptics.

Top Hunter

Build better mental habits using science-backed hypnosis. Mindset helps you change your automatic thoughts & feelings.

Mindset 2.0 is redesigned from the ground up with a beautiful new look, instant hypnosis boosters, new content, daily challenges and more.

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Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @alex_naoumidis & @chris_naoumidis, How does this differ from meditation apps like Headspace?
Chris Naoumidis
Hey @jacqvon! We use hypnosis and focus on giving you the ability to change specific behaviors and areas of yourself, such as increasing your assertiveness. Meditation apps focus on a general state of well-being and awareness, rather than behaviour change. I like to think of them as meditation being cardio in the gym, being overall good for your health, and hypnosis is the weight training, where you can target specific muscles (behaviours).
Chris Naoumidis
Hi all! Cheers for checking out Mindset v2.0. We're super excited to share what we’ve been working on and get your feedback. A quick thank you to all our users who have helped contribute to Mindset and this version, without you this wouldn’t have happened! This new version has been redesigned from scratch and should feel better than ever before. Aside from visual changes, this version also comes with 4 new courses on topics including Self Esteem and Assertiveness. Another new area of the app is the Instant sessions section, where you can listen to short hypnosis sessions designed to change your mood in a matter of minutes. Whether you want to feel energized, relaxed or fall asleep in a matter of minutes, these sessions are for you. Enjoy the new version and let us know any if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions! Coming soon: Android and Apple Watch versions, as well as new features and content every month. You can check out some of the science here: Cheers, Chris
Steve Garratt
it's a real shame that this app uses a lazy developer monthly subscription model, i hate them and refuse to buy into them "new features and content every month"
Chris Naoumidis
@steveyg Hi Steve, We feel the monthly subsciption does represent the "new features and content every month", and we also have a yearly option available to those who would prefer not to pay monthly. Pricing is something we're still working on so will be looking into different options as well.
Peter Dziedzicz
Hey @alex_naoumidis & @chris_naoumidis, Ok, so guys can you explain how your app is science backed? On the website I see only quotes about hypnosis itself, but not that your app is science backed. Can you explain a little bit more?
Chris Naoumidis
@pdziedzicz Yep no worries. So the hypnosis content in the app is based off scientific studies but the delivery method (through our app) isn't. We definitely want to conduct studies on our app itself but we are still very early stage so can't afford to yet.
Janelle de Weerd
Hey @alex_naoumidis & @chris_naoumidis, Interesting project. Seems like it could be highly effective, I'd be really curious to see how the app does in applying the theory in this way. Updates including aggregated data or surveys within your users would be awesome!
Chris Naoumidis
Hey @janelledeweerd! Thanks! Yeah we're planning on having a lot of systems around surverying for session and course effectiveness. We focus on talking with our users and seeing what sessions are working and not working but that could be hard with scale. I'd love to hear any feedback from you about the sessions or app in general.
Kishan Thurairasa
Have been using the previous version for a few months after being genuinely surprised by the results. Living the new redesign - massive improvement on the previous version.
Chris Naoumidis
@kishyt Thanks Kish!