Tom Masiero

Mindscope - Mind-mapping meets outlining


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Susanne Anders
Nice tool. I've had this on my iPad for some time now and am very happy, that it arrives on iPhone now! :) Is there any chance for a Mac app? That would be awesome and I would really appreciate this. Thanks for your great work and all the best.
John Goering
@skankinpenguin Thanks so much! There is definitely a chance for a Mac app - I want it myself. I primarily just need to find the time! 😃
John Goering
Hey everyone - thanks for posting this, Tom. I'm here for any questions you might have! Here's the 1-minute preview video if you're interested: The latest update, just released a couple days ago, has added iCloud sync, iPhone compatibility, and a metric ton of keyboard shortcuts. Enjoy!
Christopher G
This app does mind-mapping right. No central nodes required, just free thinking. Zoomable just like workflowy. Sync is perfect, love having this right on my phone. 11/10