Jens Boje

Mindful Eating App - Overcome your productivity-ruining eating behavior


Your productivity depends on a healthy body and mind. But your eating habits can ruin that fast and make you feel sluggish and brain foggy. Track your mood, hunger and food to uncover your unhealthy eating habits. Get a clear mind and get better done.

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Congratulations on the launch!
Jens Boje
@realdesigntack Thanks :-)
Jens Boje
We all eat because we have too but most of the time we are not eating for fuel. No, we eat out of boredom, to make us feel good, it tastes so nice or we smelled the BBQ next door. How we feel has a huge influence on our eating habits. And our eating has a huge influence on how we feel and how good our body can function. If you only munch crap, your mind and body will fuel on crap and get sluggish. You feel tired, more stressed and eventually, your productivity drops and you don't get things finished. The worst scenario for solo-makers. Fortunately, most are just bad behavior and we can change it once detected. This little mindful eating app will help you to detect when, why, and what you eat and how it makes you feel and behave. Test it out for a month and see the results for yourself. No downloads, no fees, no subscriptions, and your data is safe and never transferred to a server. Enjoy and become a productive beast again :-)
Zoltan Veres
Simple, yet very useful! I think need this in my life right now :)
Jens Boje
@zoltanveres Thanks and happy to get your feedback :-)
Gundeep Singh
Love the color scheme
Jens Boje
@gndps thank you
Max Prilutskiy
Sounds nice! 💯
Jens Boje
Yaroslaw Bagriy
Congrats on the launch 🚀
Jens Boje
@yarobagriy thanks, yaro
Caelin Sutch
Wow this is such an awesome idea!
Jens Boje
@caelin_sutch thanks, glad you like it