Derek Shanahan

Minaal Daily - Backpacks designed for your life on the move.

Minaal Daily is a backpack perfect for every setting - office, park, gym, travel, and more. It's sleek and minimal to keep you looking professional no matter what you're doing.

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Kim Døfler
That video is indeed amazing! Hilarious 😻
Tristan Pollock
@doefler yup - pretty good.
Derek Shanahan
Don't usually post Kickstarters, but this one's coming up on $100k inside of its first hour, and couldn't happen to better people. I actually met Jimmy (@jimmhay) when they were on Product Hunt in their earliest days ( and I'm now a happy customer. The KS video is amazing:
The video and presentation are awesome, indeed. I myself am highly tempted to get one, being a huge backpacks nerd, but I can't help but finding the price incredibly high. Am I being weird for thinking a $200 backpack is way too expensive?
Derek Shanahan
@alexbrie Macbooks are expensive but I'll never go back:)
@dshan that's a great point you're making, didn't think of it that way but you're right - I was comparing the Minaal with standard day packs but I should have compared them with the similar priced Booq (I have a Booq since 2008, highly durable but quite heavy and takes up a lot of space). If the Minaal comes close quality/durability wise, then I'm sold.
@alexbrie Latecomer to the party here – the price definitely reflects the time we spend throughout the product development process agonising on a 3-hour Skype over the best way to position a zip, the high-end components we source and use, and arguably most important, the commitment we have to post-purchase service and community building (personalised, SAAS-style ongoing service is pretty rare in our industry and our users are fairly partial to it :) ) Lmk if you have any specific questions, happy to answer!
Derek Shanahan
Solid day one Minaal team!
@dshan Thanks Derek for the post and kind words! Happy to answer anyone's questions if they have any.
Derek Shanahan

I use this bag every day, and I can take it to meetings, social gatherings, coffee shops, the gym, and with me when I travel. The protective, full zip laptop compartment is crazy awesome, and I can go briefcase mode (no backpack straps) in a matter of seconds - straps tuck away.

Hands down my favorite daily bag.


It's built to last & doesn't look like a hiker or highschooler's backpack.