Thomas Schranz ⛄️

Mimo 3.0 - Learn to Code on iOS & Android 📱

Join more than 2 million learners: learn to code, make apps/games/websites, automate your life, and much more – no matter how much experience and time you have! Mimo creates a personalized learning path of fun and effective exercises, projects, and challenges that fits into your daily routine and keeps you motivated.

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Karsten Gresch

The so-long-ago predecessor of Mimo, Swifty, was a nice little tool to get basically acquainted with the syntax of the Swift programming language. It cost around 3 bucks and introduced you to the very foundations of Swift in a funny, amicable way, through multiple choice questions. I assume, the targeted audience were developers who just wanted to get an initial sense for the language (below the - already low - effort to read and practically follow books like "Seven Languages in Seven Weeks" from

Three years later: The Mimohello GmbH got founded and, boy, they got greedy: Following exactly the same concept, they ask you to leave from 60,- to up to 120,- $/year for their offering.

Those guys claim to learn you code. And they get featured by Apple. So it's a good deal - pay even 120,- $ and you'll become able to code, right?


To be able to code you need much more than tapping on a mobile device filling out multiple choice/gap questions. You need to master the entire toolchain of your language/technology ecosystem: From a text editor or IDE like XCode for Swift over a build and packaging system like Gradle/Maven for Java/Kotlin or Yeoman for Node.js - coding means you get enabled to finally run an application on the targeted system.

Mimo will NOT enable you to do this.

(This said by an individual with over 30ys of programming practice, running a daily code kata, trying to learn a new programming language every year).

Compared to other offerings (free: iTunesU course, Apple's Swift Playgrounds,,,,, - paid:,,,, which all help you get enabled coding, Mimo - also in the now tested version 3.0 - leaves the impression of a false, fully overpriced promise.

To me, it feels like somebody selling you a Bobby Car (for the price of a Tesla) with the promise you'll get your driving license through it.

Better alternative IMHO: Lrn app.


Nice UI


Action faking vs. action making - price-value

Johannes Berger
Hey there, Karsten! Thanks for your review. I want to take the time to address your concerns: 1. I started Swifty as a project after school. When I graduated, I faced a hard choice: get a job or try to make working on Swifty my job. I chose the latter one. But as you can imagine it was tricky to make a living out of Swifty. We needed to change the pricing model to be able to continue to work on Swifty/Mimo without the need to have a side job, grow the team, add more and better content for you, and reach more users. 2. We build an adapted curriculum for all our users depending on the level they are. We noticed that mobile is the perfect way to get started. The entrance barrier is already low, and with our approach, we were able to lower it even further. It was never so easy to begin to code. I'd like to invite you to test out the app more thoroughly and also try our web version (currently, we're already offering courses on iOS and game development) to get a better understanding on how we teach you to code.
Johannes Berger
We’re thrilled to be back on ProductHunt with Mimo 3.0. 🚀 Since our initial launch on ProductHunt almost two years ago, we’ve worked relentlessly to improve the product, add more and more courses, and - most important of all - made coding more accessible for you! With Mimo 3.0, we've reimagined learning how to code on your mobile device. We've changed every single screen, adapted the look and feel of the whole app, made the learning experience even more playful, and on top of that introduced our new mascot, who’ll join you on your coding journey. Mimo 3.0 is available today on iOS and Android! 📲 Let us know what you think! We’ll be here to answer your questions. 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Lukas Carvajal

Whoever writes the content must be pretty amazing people.


It is the best way to learn to code in the entire universe! I love the iOS app and can't believe they just launched on Android.


The biggest con is that my girlfriend gets mad at me when I spend too much time learning to code.

Paul Varga
What understanding of coding is required to use the product?
Johannes Berger
@paulvarga23 Great question, @paulvarga23! The app is designed to be useful to beginners as well as experienced coders! We’ll create your personalized curriculum at the start based on your level and goals. You don’t need to have any prior coding experience. 🚀
Lukas Carvajal
@paulvarga23 Mimo is great for beginners writing their first lines of code and more experienced coders looking to dive into new programming languages.
Esley Svanas
Can you talk about why someone would want to choose Mimo over SoloLearn?
Johannes Berger
@esleysvanas Mimo is on both your computer and on your mobile devices and provides the best learning experience for every situation, and because of that, it can adapt to you better than any other service. Also, it uses a sophisticated learning model that’s based on game design, psychological research, and spaced repetition. As a result, Mimo learners show completion rates far above the industry average.
Johannes Berger
@esleysvanas Sure! 😃
Karsten Gresch
@triplejberger Could you please explain where Mimo "is" on a computer? To me, it looks like you just get the app screens in a browser, right? Or is there any further real coding support like w/ or AWS Cloud9? How would you ever >>>release<<< a mobile app w/ Mimo? @esleysvanas
Johannes Berger
@esleysvanas @gresch Hi Karsten! We're about to roll out the web version for every major learning track. Right now, you can already have a look when you are doing the iOS track:
Andreas Roettl
That looks amazing! Congrats on the improvements. What I was wondering actually, how much do you really learn with Mimo? Any experience?
Johannes Berger
@aroettl Thanks for the nice words, @aroettl! We start at whatever level you may already have and take you from there to your first real-world project. Have you ever dreamed of releasing your mobile app? Or to launch your website? With Mimo, you’ll be there in no time.
Chino Lex
I had Mimo 2.0 installed and already thought it was a 5-star app. The team at Mimo has really outdone themselves from a design and product standpoint. This app is rightfully has it's own App Store 'Story' - check that out too. Calling it right now - it will be on the App of the Day!
Lorenz Schimik
@chinolex_ Glad to hear that you like the App!
Bob Rogers
Android, finally!
Lorenz Schimik
@innjetbob Thanks Bob!
Adam Kornfield
I'm a huge fan of Mimo and excited to see v3.0 released!
Chirag Chopra
I just bought the Premium for 1 year but it's not getting reflected in the app on my iOS. How many hours before the app realises I'm a premium member?
Johannes Berger
@notthatchirag Sorry to hear that you have problems with the upgrade. Should be reflected automatically. Can you try to log out and reinstall. If that doesn't help. Please send us an email to and we'll try to help!
Peter Bauer
Don‘t forget about googles completely free version called grasshopper
@triplejberger tried signing up but doesn't seem to want to accept new registration. Do you have limit to pswds length or are there other issues? Have tried Safari and Firefox 😔
Dennis Daume
@triplejberger @hellotom Hey Tom, registrations are currently open only in our mobile apps, as we guide users from the mobile apps into the web app. This will change in the future though!
Johannes Berger
@flagbug @hellotom Haha great to hear.. but how? 🤔
@flagbug @triplejberger pswd reset 😁👌🏻 Do I now qualify for the grand prize? ✨🏅