Ollie Campbell

Milanote Templates - Start projects faster. For startups, designers & more!

A great way to start projects faster and get inspired. Use one of our built-in templates or create your own.

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Ollie Campbell
Hello again Product Hunt! It's been well over a year since Milanote was first hunted, and since then we've been busy adding lots of new features to move us closer to our goal: to create the ultimate tool for planning creative projects. Our most recent addition is templates—a way to start projects faster and get inspired. One of the things we're most excited about is that anyone can create their own templates for tasks and processes that are unique to their creative workflow. If you're new to Milanote, templates are also a great way to see what the product can do—check out our selection of built-in templates for startups, brand designers, UX/UI designers, and marketers. They're available both from the Milanote website and in the app. Give them a try and let us know what you think! 😊
Vlad Korobov
Finally, nice job guys. Thank you for collecting all this kind of templates
Edward Shepard
This is one of the best creativity tools. Highly recommended.
Brett Warren
@edwardshepard thanks! Glad you’re enjoying it :)
Luigi Giuliani

I like the templates because they represent the efforts of other creative workers




Risk of copy

Kevin Pardo
Use it everyday, most useful tool in years ! Organise everything and get ideas out of your head. Visually.