Owen Yin

Milanote - The notes app for creative work


The notes app for creative work.

For the research, thinking and planning behind your next great piece of work.

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Ollie Campbell
Hello Product Hunt! Milanote is based on the idea that behind every great piece of work is a lot of research, thinking and planning that is often messy, unstructured and takes time to evolve. That's why Milanote is much more visual, flexible and tactile than similar products. We've really tried to reproduce the feeling of working on a wall in a creative studio. I'd also love to hear any feedback on the concept 😊
Ollie Campbell
@adithya Thanks Adithya, really appreciate it :)
Francesco D'Alessio
@oliebol I'll be reviewing this one on my YouTube channel too - heard many good things!
@oliebol Guys, I love you already, one day later and I'm more efficient than ever. where should I pay ? oh, ok, on my way:)
Oliver Ding
@oliebol "a lot of research, thinking and planning that is often messy, unstructured and takes time to evolve", this is a great insight! Thanks for creating such a platform to service this need. I am recently participating an event which is based on Milanote. A TEDx curator designs and hosts a virtual event which is titled BACK TO W.E.C. W.E.C. stands for the Whole Earth Catalog which is an American counterculture magazine and product catalog published by Stewart Brand several times a year between 1968 and 1972, and occasionally thereafter, until 1998. The magazine featured essays and articles, but was primarily focused on product reviews. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wh... The event is designed as a four-week paid program. Participants receive a copy of some selected pages of W.E.C. and they can read it in home. The curator and his two co-hosts use Milanote to host the event and participants can add notes about W.E.C. and create new boards for theme-specific discussion and curation. They also use other tools such WeChat (they come from China), and some real time audio chat tools for ongoing discussion and communication. I am an independent researcher. The curator invites me to join the event. It is a great opportunity for me since I want to conduct some study projects about platform-based social practice. My research is based on a theoretical framework I developed recently: Platform for Development (2.0) https://medium.com/call4/p4d2-83... I'd like to share what I learned from the project and research soon.
Ali Demirci
Milanote is best. I used Sketch for arrange ideas before milanote. Now my whole ideas on internet. I request two things 1 - Please don't read my boards 🙃 2 - I want to select more than one item for moving.
Ollie Campbell
@alidemirci hey Ali—multi select is definitely coming soon, it's one of the most popular features on our upcoming feature poll here: http://www.milanote.com/poll And we definitely don't read anyone's notes, here's a page on our help centre about privacy/security: http://help.milanote.com/frequen... 👍
Marko Islamovic
@oliebol This is dope, been playing around, Milanote definitely gives me a nice a feeling when I'm using it :) Some suggestions that would be cool to see: 1) Ability to form a clickable link within a Note 2)To import a photo from a URL 3)To be able to select multiple items and delete them at once
Ollie Campbell
@marko_is thanks Marko! #2 is already possible—if you create a link card and paste an image URL into it you'll get an image card automatically. The others are on the list, feel free to give them an extra vote here: http://www.milanote.com/poll/ 😀
Simon Chapman
You're quick @owen_yin, I was just going to share this. It looks very useful! Good work everyone, and thanks for offering a free plan!
Ollie Campbell
@simoncchapman @owen_yin thanks Simon, glad you like it :)
Owen Yin
@simoncchapman My bad man, I was up late studying and got super excited when I saw it go live! 🙌 Couldn't wait to share 😊
Quan Vu
How about an offline mode?
Been using it for two weeks and love it already. It's my new favourite tab. It doesn't just have my projects, it has my thoughts, which I can go back to the mess it started as. It's awesome!
Ollie Campbell
@behrouzix ❤️
Jose Niño Pérez
I am a political and data scientist...and this is something I was looking for. What is great about this UI is that it looks pretty much how I see my work in my head. Will definitely play around with it!!
Romilly Blackburn
I am a massive fan of using Milanote - I use it for business strategy, product ideation and almost everything I do. It has become the core place I spend time - eliminating Evernote and reducing Trello to core tasking oriented activities. Previous visual curation tools like Pinterest are no longer required either. An intuitive visual platform that is a joy to use - I can't recommend it highly enough for personal and business productivity.
Ollie Campbell
@romilly1 thanks Romilly! 👍
Stephen Campbell
So you all are just going to put trello out of business huh? PRODUCT IS FRICKIN AWESOME SAUCE!
Oliver Ding
@stephen_campbell1 Kanban is a sub-category of Board. If you only need a Kanban, then you don't want to draw a kanban on a board by yourself. If you want use a board for Kanban and other methods, then the Kanban is not enough. Metaphor is a great thinking-tool for product development.
Clémentine Thibault
I discovered Milanote some time ago (through Dribbble, somehow) and have been using the beta since. It's an amazing tool and the first of its kind that I actually come back to and use ! I use it to lay down ideas and research for my writing and I have to say it couldn't be any more perfect for this use. Thanks team :)
jonathan mendes
I've been using Milanote for just under 2 weeks now and it's been a blast! Primary use cases (so far) have been for design documentation and mood/inspiration boards, but really anything goes with what this puppy can do. It's entirely replaced what I've been trying to use InVision boards and note taking apps for, and will likely be what our design team uses in the future. Things I'd like to see in the future: - images opening in a modal - android app - more awesomeness :p
Ollie Campbell
@jonathanamendes Thanks Jonathan! All three are on the list, particularly the last one ;)
I love Milanote! It's exactly what I wanted macOS's Stickies app to become! Thank you for making such a polished and useful app.
Brett Warren
@jarelion Glad you're enjoying it!
Jesse Korzan
wow... great looks aside, it's got "jealousy-inducing execution". I might just quite and go work at Arby's. How long from MVP to this version?
Isaac Williams
@jessekorzan I wrote a super rough MVP in mid-2015, which we iterated for around 6 months. The version you're seeing was re-written from scratch once we knew what we wanted to build, starting almost exactly a year ago.
Jowita Emberton
Love it love it <3 Already using it! Well done guys!
Ollie Campbell
@jowitaemberton Thanks Jowita!
Oliver Rees
I love this!
Jasper Tempel
I've been using Milanote for a week now and I really like it! My preference would still be to add a native mac os app! Also another small thing: Can you please make it possible to disable the tips/chat function? It floats on top of the workspace and clearing notifications is not (always possible).
Ollie Campbell
@jtempel Thanks Jasper! A desktop app is definitely on the way, sorry if the tips have been annoying :)
any plans for a mobile client (iOS/Android) so i can look at my board or add to it on the go?
Brett Warren
@thestephen Definitely. It's at the top of our upcoming features poll - http://www.milanote.com/poll
Very slick interface. Would love an iOS version. Reminds me of padlet with a better UI.
Vytas Butkevicius
@oliebol it took me a while to understand how I could use this product even though I already knew it was kinda cool. I think it would be great if 1. there was a video on a website explaining what Milanote is and what to use it for 2. there were some articles/blogs(?) showing how others use the app or how people could use it :) Good job on the product, keep it up!
Ollie Campbell
@vytasbu Thanks Vytas—agree about needing more examples/guides since it's such an "open" tool. That's going to be a big focus for us over the coming months/years :)
Andreas Duess
Very, very cool. It works like my brain does. I've shared the app with our design team who have already started using it. Well done, team.