Andrew Mutavdzija

Microsoft Edge for iOS - The browser for all your devices


Microsoft Edge for iOS is a pretty solid alternative to Safari and/or whatever else you may me currently use. Give it a try!

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Dre Durr💡
No benefit to using Edge over any of the other browsers.
Ken Cucchia
@dredurr there may not be a benefit to using Edge, but there IS a benefit to searching with Bing rather than Google. You earn rewards points for every search which can be redeemed for gift cards and more
Eric Diepeveen
@kcucchia why not just use Bing in safari? You can select Bing as the default search engine.
Colin Kiama
@dredurr if you use edge on PC, there's a button that let's you continue your session over there.
Reony T
@dredurr um, someone like me uses a Windows PC at home (since I'm a PC gaming enthusiast) and might have an iPhone. 😜
Daniel Fitzpatrick
@dredurr @megaroeny This is really the only situation where I can see this being any benefit (sharing sites between devices). I encourage you to try out Firefox and Chrome on your PC and play around with them a little. They're still in the lead for overall browsing experience and also allow you to share sites between devices. @kcucchia Do you think the modest rewards Bing offers outweigh the technical benefits of using Google? I did a quick (google) search to get some examples, but it looks like things might have changed a bit since I last bashed Bing. The word "Bing" still makes me cringe, so I can't really do an objective comparison right now, haha
mike cataldo
Sorry, Microsoft, but - MSN/Hotmail, Zune, Windows 8, Bing, etc. It's gonna take much more to win my ♥️ back from @Google.
@mccataldo don’t forget windows phone, holodeck, surface, Skype, danger, windows watch, Xbox... plus dozens others. All ” me too” from MS
LyondhĂźr Picciarelli
Just do Brave anywhere. Real talk.
Daniel Fitzpatrick
@lyondhur I always pass over smaller browsers like Brave because I assume that they either can't compete with the already established big 4 (5?) or that if they're built on top of Firefox or Chromium (like Brave), that they wouldn't be able to keep up with updates from the source. But I'm testing out browsers now anyways so here we go. First thought: seeing as Chrome has really good tracking/ad-blocking extensions, and Firefox has it built in now (plus said extensions), is Brave's central marketing angle of doing these (and therefore faster load times) still relevant? The desktop version is still in development, and I'm gonna have to pass it on it for now. My main issue is lack of extensions. Plus the tab preview thing freaks the living hell out of me every time (maybe that's why they call it Brave; apparently I'm not...) LOVE that its open source, so I'll be following progress for sure. Edit: Looks like some crucial extensions and a UI update are in the pipeline; might be enough for me to give it a further look. It looks like the mobile browser is their primary focus. I suppose that is where tracking and ad blocking is most lacking. Looks promising, so I'll give it a spin for a couple of days. Shame I won't be able to use features that benefit using both mobile and desktop. Edit: No tab sharing? I don't see it in their plans either. Edit 2: Nvm, it'll be here soon Any comments you want to add that might convince me/other people to switch? Know or noticed anything about how well Brave keeps up with Chromium updates? Sorry, my comments are wordy today.
LyondhĂźr Picciarelli
@dancyfits to avoid a very long response, I’ll say two things: 1) Blockchain, crypto currency and active shielding settings. 2) Don’t assume it; try it. My experience: Brave isn’t just “another browser” spoof.
Csaba Kissi
So many negative comments and its still the #1 product today 🤔 Interesting...
Daniel Fitzpatrick

TL;DR: Don't use Edge (yet). Try using the mobile version of your desktop browser for features like tab sharing.

While the switch from IE to Edge did mark the end of an era (of nightmares) for web developers, Edge still falls a bit behind in terms of adoption of web standards.

This mobile version of Edge only offers benefits to those that are still using Edge on PC. While I can't outright say "for the love of all that is holy, do NOT use IE" anymore, I can still say, for your sake, don't use Edge.

Switching to Chrome, Firefox, or Safari on your desktop is still preferable. Better all around support for modern web technologies, much larger selection of browser extensions, more customization, generally faster load times. All of these browsers offer mobile versions as well.

Credit where credit is due: Edge has been closing the gap at an impressive rate since its release. Not there yet, though.


Is a great browser for posting multiple comments on net neutrality to the FCC a year after you die


Doesn't offer anything that faster, sleeker, more feature-rich browsers offer

If only Microsoft gives 50$ me for try (for 2-3 hours not much more)
No thanks
My 2 main questions are: Why is this #1 product of the day? and Why is this advertised as "new chrome competitor" on Product Hunt?
microsoft is a joke. Stick to windows.
Mahadev Majaladar
No.. I don't wanna use it on any device... Neither iOS nor PC... I'm good with Chrome and Safari...
Andrew Mutavdzija

Edge has a no-frills UI with a great looking dark mode. Not yet worthy of being a main browser, but assuming Microsoft continues development of it (as it has with Outlook for iOS and To Do), this could be a solid alternative to Safari to keep an eye on.


Nice, clean UI. Read on the go coming soon


Can only link to PCs.

Loch Wansbrough‏
Lot of elitists in here. I use Firefox/Chrome on Mac. Would love to see Edge make its way over. If you’re commenting and haven’t given Edge a try, you’re not doing yourself any favours. Edge is super fast and reliable, but I don’t use Windows very often so I don’t get to use it. Nice to see it on iOS even if it’s just a wrapper. Shows a big shift for MS. Gonna say this on every Edge post until it happens: MS needs to open source the EdgeHTML rendering engine.
Ritwik Debnath
Why aren't there any reaction buttons?

I've been using Edge for iOS over TestFlight for about a month now. There's still no password / credentials sync, which is a deal breaker for me. It's also missing a lot of compelling PC Edge features, like the ability to store away open tabs for later, and web annotations.

But these features will likely come soon, and so if you're a Windows user, I'd keep an eye on this one. If you're a MacOS user, stick to Safari.

Also I should point out, "Continue on PC" is not exclusive to Edge. You can enable it system wide in iOS with the Continue on PC app.


"Continue on PC" is a nice feature that lets you pick up where you left off in Edge for Windows, and dark mode looks beautiful.


The MSN news feed on the new tab page is filled with clickbait. Thankfully you can turn it off, but I'd rather customize it.

Not available in the Russian Store. Nice.

Microsoft is cheating us with changing name. We already know you're IE. Go home IE


New name


You know its formerly internet explorer

William Pitcher
Actually, I believe that any browser on iOS is actually Safari. That is browsers on iOS have to use the Safari engine.
Nick Berry
Okay what 300 people voted on this?
Brett Levy
WHY ????