Michael Haase

Plant Jammer 2.0 - Reduce food waste and save money - cook with what you got!

It SHOULD be easy to cook with what's in your fridge. But recipe apps or Google don't help, so we built something better. Plant Jammer is an app that combines artificial intelligence with core gastronomical principles. Now you can use what's in your fridge, learn to cook deliciously, and never again have to search for recipes!

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Michael Haase
1 year ago we launched our website on Product Hunt. A lot of people loved it and we learnt a lot. Now we made an app with some quite spectacular improvements. We are excited to hear what you think! What improved: We want to use our AI to stop foodwaste, so we tweaked the product to do just that. There's a pantry, a shoplist, and a recipe generator that seemlessly integrate. With Plant Jammer you can finally say goodbye to Food waste in your home! Try it and feel free to reach-out if you have any questions!
Anders Ravn

On top of teaching you how to cook, the app has extra features such as a smart shopping list and it can keep track of what you have at home, making it super easy to plan your cooking.


It teaches you the complexities of great cooking in a simple way. It's like having an ongoing mini cooking course on your phone.


The app is undergoing rapid development which can sometimes be hard to keep track of, but the new features are mostly awesome!

Amalie Lærke Elbæk Andersen

I am very excited to see the launch of the nutrition part of the app :)


I love how the app inspires me to make food from what I have, and it is super convenient with the shopping list when fell up my fridge.


I don't know

Linea Katrine Wesnæs

It's super easy, you just type in what you have in your fridge, and it creates recipes for you right there :)


In the end of the week when I only have (what seems to be) random leftovers from cooking the previous days, they suddenly become a feast!


Not really anything, it's a super nice app :)

Rianne Stelwagen
Intuitive, inspirational and playful ! Plantbased homecooked food is not only best for your own health but also the best thing you can do for the planet ! #bethechange
Samir Ben Chaabane
I love using the app with my girlfriend. It's a very inspirational, engaging and fun app!
Nicklas Skov Pape

Coming from a family (and culture) where meat was first and definitely the most important ingredient, converting to vegetarian eating habits is not easy! Plantjammer makes that journey fun and it teaches me to think in new ways when it comes to cooking and eating.

With this product, I know it can be as (or more) easy to start with brocolli than it was for me always starting with beef or chicken. It actually turns out to be more fun and inspiring to cook and eat. As a bonus, my meals tend to be much more diverse, healthier, cheaper. I could go on: less waste as it's easier to empty my fridge, more social to do together, less looking into an app/book, more trying out, tasting and learning...


It's an easy and intuitive new way to learn how to cook vegetarian


Still needs some work and it sometimes feels a bit buggy but the MVP and idea, team and idea is magical in itself

Michael Haase
Thank you Nicklas!!!! Glad our playful attitude also shows in the app :-)
Christian Arnstedt
Super strong product - love it :-)!!
Matt Michel
My wife has been desperate for an app like this for ages. I can’t wait to try it out with her! It looks great and I really like the approach you’ve taken with the food wheel. Clearly a lot of effort and thought has gone into this product.
Michael Haase
@ninjapixel Awesome! Let me know how it went! :-)
Matt Michel
My wife has been desperate for an app like this for ages. I can’t wait to try it out with her! It looks great and I really like the approach you’ve taken with the food wheel. Clearly a lot of effort and thought has gone into this product.
Adal Bermann
Am really excited about the concept, didn't mind the slightly odd design elements when I started using it, but then when I tried to view a recipe (though the photos seemed to contain ingredients that aren't in my pantry) it just restarted the app... Tried several times but just can't view recipes. I'm on a pixel phone
Michael Haase
@adal_bermann Thanks for the feedback! We'll work on this: 1) The viewing of recipes we've never seen before. Is this still an issue? We did a few updates, so perhaps you were trying the app JUST as we deployed a new version?, 2) On the 'slightly odd design elements' I'd love to hear specifically which ones, so we can improve :-) Thanks again!!!!
Adal Bermann
@plantjammer I think it must have been indeed your first released because it is now working. I have talked about making this app in conversation with my friends for years so I'm very glad that you did!
Michael Haase
@adal_bermann Great to hear!! I hope you meant “it is noW working” rather than “it is noT working” :-)

I need this so badly in my life.


Everything, I need help in the kitchen!


None so far.

Valerie Mateerxe
it is good, it is best internt domine.
I've been using this for a while now and still like it. Thanks for making this.