@kjessiet@livejamie Why is this? Definitely innovative. Look at the technology. You can buy things, from multiple brands, and suppliers, for different amounts. This is retail. Denim Jeans can cost you $15 at Old Navy or $1,500 at 7 for all Mankind. Guess what.. They are both 100% denim jeans.
@randywebbman@rickats Your entire store is just cheap stuff from China you're reselling. There's nothing wrong with that but I don't feel like it's appropriate for the content I come to expect on Product Hunt.
This cat lamp can be found all over the internet. Here it is on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/X-CHENG-n...
What you're doing is disingenuous.
Looks like this is dropped-shipped from Aliexpress :) - just read the shipping FAQ
not really sure why this is featured?
Mi SmartBand 2.0
The Un-official Messenger Button
Product Hunt
The Un-official Messenger Button
Mi SmartBand 2.0