With breakthrough high-resolution mixed reality, you can engage effortlessly with the virtual world while maintaining presence in your physical space in hi-def colour.
Interesting to see Meta ship a headset with such a high price point. This is the opposite of what I would have expected as they've historically been focused on making VR more accessible.
Regardless, I'm glad they're continue to push on this. VR may still be "too early" for mainstream + recurring usage, but eventually (and suddenly) it won't.
@rrhoover I think it's aimed as a direct competitor to the hololens, focusing on mixed reality. I previously worked as a plumber, and we deployed hololens for real-time identification and multitasking, however, we couldn't buy direct/use our own software, only go through distributers.
This makes sense from a "making VR accessible" because it's far far more accessible for professional use cases. I know a lot of creators/consumers will buy it because it's more premium. I see a hololens 3 soon at a 400 dollar tag
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