Gabriella Covino

/Askamentor - Don't get stuck, ask a mentor!


/askamentor connects users with mentors for problem-solving in Slack. Mentessa's AI algorithm analyzes requests, and identifies suitable mentors to foster a collaborative and supportive environment stimulating problem resolution in Slack workspaces.

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Gabriella Covino
Hi everyone, My team of Mentessa interns and I have been working on a summer project expanding Mentessa's use cases and we created this great idea, /Askamentor. This integration helps facilitate answering questions in the virtual work space by combining the use of peer to peer learning with AI matching. Everyone has been the new person on a job before and felt afraid to ask questions or utilize their co-workers. You might not want to bother your new boss, and in virtual spaces it's hard to ask your neighbor. Our new extension of the Mentessa platform crushes that universal worry by using Mentessa's specific matching algorithm to connect people with questions to co-workers with answers based on availability and expertise. /Askamentor is a slack extension that brings back the connected learning of in person work to the virtual space. No one knows everything, but everyone knows something. By capitalizing on this in the workplace companies can improve skill sharing, efficiency, and productivity❗❗ Key features of our slack extension include: 💫 Matching by AI 💫 Sharing skills between peers 💫 Ending question anxiety 💫 Smoothing the onboarding process 💫 Establishing work place relationships We would love to hear any additional features we should explore, any problems, or just comments!! Any feedback is very much appreciated🔥🌟